Pinterest - Does It Help?

Last Update: July 20, 2012
As a recent new member of Pinterest, I am writing this blog for those of you who may be thinking is it worth the effort to establish an Pinterest account. My answer is yes!

I just took a class on this new sociable media this week. I was fooling around in the Pinterest dashboard and found some images on my niche. Check out the keyword phrase on Google and found that the Pinterest "board" was ranked on the first page. Started me to think about my niche and I am now working on promoting it using Pinterest. I will see where this goes.

I want to share with all WA members who may not as yet have a Pinterest Account. Basically, this media uses images and places the image in a board. Boards are shared with other Pinterest members who are following you. Just like in WA, you get other WA members to follow you on the live chat.

What Action Do I Take?

Since, the only way you can open a Pinterest account, you need an invitation. If you respond with a comment in this blog by providing me your email address, I will be more than glad to send you an invitation. You must have a Facebook account as you register using Facebook.

There is a good WAbinar that Jay shared called "Pimping your Pinterest" on January 27, 2012. I would review that video. Also, if you enter "pinterest" in the search, you will find some great training by others which is very helpful on this subject.

This is a tremendous way of getting valuable back links to your website and if you promote a product, affiliate commissions as well.

If you would like an invite, include your email address in your response in the comment box.


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Recent messages
Renni Premium
I am a big Pinterest fan and can't believe how quickly other people are on top of new pins! Every time I pin something I almost immediately get an email telling me someone re-pinned it! Very cool...
Hudson Premium
Thanks George.I have an account but have not yet utilised it. This prompts me to do so and the training will be very usefull.
suem Premium
Thanks George, this is something I have been looking to get involved with. Thank you for offering the invitation my email is
georgejhaas Premium
I sent you the invite. It should be in your mailbox.
Shawn Martin Premium
Nice work on this! I have gotten upwards of a hundred likes and pins on one article pinned to Pinterest. It works!
splashduck Premium
I've just joined Pinterest and really like it, fabulous images of high quality. Thanks for your blog, I've been wondering if there's any training on this within WAU. I want to understand this more about how to use Pinterest to get search traffic in a particular niche.