Last Update: July 11, 2012
Today is the 4th day of my First “10” and so far I can really vouch that the people in WAU are cool and kind and WAU is a very engaging community. I also have to say that the trainings they are offering for free are easy to understand especially for people like me who are not really knowledgeable about making money on the internet.

I have already met 2 fellow Filipinos here who are doing well with WAU. It is just so comforting to know the many testaments that this community can and will make a big difference to your online success if and only if you take action.

It is my dream to learn about earning money on the internet, how to actually earn big and eventually share the knowledge to my fellow Filipinos. It is not good to claim I can help others in making money on the internet if I have not earned a single dime myself. With this, I am going to stick with WAU with so much confidence that I am going to make it.

Thanks to Kyle and Carson for creating this wonderful community of awesome people.

I thank God for bringing me here.
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Ty Johnson Premium
It's great to have you here, this really is an awesome community, I am really glad when I see new people enjoying the education and becoming a part of the community here
thank you Ty... looking forward to my success testimonial with WA.

P.S. say Hi to your wife, looks like she is a Filipina just like me. (pls correct me if I am wrong) :)
Ty Johnson Premium
Nope you are 100% correct, We live in San Fernando
wow nice...! have you been here in the Philippines? I am new to internet marketing. I am trying to learn and I am sticking with WA as long as it will exist.
Ty Johnson Premium
Yes we live here in the Philippines, in San Fernando, next to Angles City. You are in the right place, just don't let yourself be distracted by anything else, everything you need is in WA
ahhhh in Pampanga! Sorry I thought San Fernando somewhere outside the Philippines. Thank you for the confidence you are giving me to stay with WA.
Hi Giepanambo.

I also am new just signed up yesterday. I am making inroads into my learning , its a Global Market out there and business is dealing with many nations and groups.

I think WA is establishing a very special relationship with everyone.
I get the felling they want everyone to succeed
Hi Jashco, I have that feeling too that they want everyone to succeed. So, let's get going, learning and taking actions. Cheers! See you around
WErRush Premium
Hi, Gie! I really think it's awesome how often the word WOW is used in referrence to WA by all the noobs. I used the very same word. It is amazing here, and everyone is so down to help. Welcome, and if you need anything, just ask, someone will be there for you. Good luck
thanks Stephen... the more I am convinced to upgrade my membership because of how welcoming WA community is.
dani1983 Premium
Hi everyone! Today is my FIRST day with wealthy affiliate. Although I have been into internet marketing for a couple a years now, I have not been very successful as yet, that's why I chose to join WA today. I am sure these guys will help me become a successful internet marketer.:)
hi Dani welcome to WA. I am new here also. We just have to trust the community and keep on learning and taking actions. Cheers to our success!
hey all im patrick and im a newbie. be gentle with me, LOL!
Hi Patrick, I am a newbie too. Just keep on learning and never giving up. Stick with WA until we make it, until we see results and until we can share with others who also want to learn how to make money on the internet.
Carson Premium Plus