About Gigispaowner
Joined August 2008
Currently I am co-owner of a day spa in Philadelphia, but am trying to diversify. l've been doing a lot of research on internet marketing and came across this site.

I battled over and over again in my mind wondering if this is the method I should try, but I decided to just give it a whirl, along with my best effort as I'm determined to be successful

I'm open to meeting and sharing information with anyone. I haven't figured out which niche I want to approach just yet, but I'm ready to get it going. I feel I've been on the fence long enough.
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Georgie Premium
Hi Gigi....
Glad to see you here. I feel just like you do, as I contemplated for a while to join WA or not. I've been here a week, and I am already overwhelmed with valuable information and tutorials. I have a few niche ideas, and that is one of the things I am going to decide in the next couple of days. I am looking forward to traveling this journey together!
Blessings! Georgie
gigispaowner Premium
Hi Georgie,
I know what your mean about having so much information. I haven't decided which route I'm going to take yet, but I'll decide soon. I wish you success, and keep me informed.
Vlexinc Premium
Hi my name is Alexis I have a few sites I think this is the best way to go there is a lot of good information here . I say just take your time . Read over the information over and over again and don not forget to ask for help .I am slowly getting it together . I like for you to write back if you like but, i know that I will see how you are doing in a couple of months. May God be with you
gigispaowner Premium
Thanks for the encouraging words. I think I have a clear picture of what to do, I just need to prepare and get started.
Regmm6 Premium
Hi gigispaowner, just though I would stop by to say hello and welcome to wealthy affiliate. You have come to the right place to learn everything you need to know about internet marketing as we all strive to succeed and helping everyone else succeed. I'm adding you to my buddy list so we can stay in touch if that's OK and you may do the same if you like. Good luck and I know you will be successful. Here is a little gold to get you started.

stay in touch,
gigispaowner Premium
Hey Reggie,
I think you gave me some gold. Don't quite understand how that works yet...but thanks! I appreciate it, and hope we can learn from each other.
Ezinewriter Premium
Hi Gigispaowner,

Welcome to WA. You'll learn a lot here. It happens that I visit a lot spas because I happen to have a product that is of interest to them. I love network marketing and if you need any help let me know.

gigispaowner Premium
Hey Ezinewriter,
Thanks for dropping me a word of encouragement. I'm really interested in writing some articles. Not sure if I'm suited for it...but I plan to give it a try.