About Vlexinc
Joined May 2008
My name is Alexis but they call me lex. Sometimes i am called Lexie. When i was a young child i had a pretty good life for most parts.I have always had a great love for children. I had the good pleasure of helping them since i was 13teen . I love to help children.
Here is a happy and sad story about a young man name Steven he was my son who died at the age of 12. I adopted him at the age of three and his brother at the age of 5. Steven was born with a disorder that made his life hard for him to live like other children. With the help of God and my sister,s who help me understand the body better he lived longer then the doctors or any one else though he would live. I don't know where to start when I think about Stevie. I guess I will do more at a letter time.
In this world today we never seem to be able to find time for anything.I too sometime like to find time so I have something for all to read under finding time
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1brokeman Premium
Welcome to Wa what made you want to get into IM?
johnmozier2 Premium
Welcome to WA. I'm new myself, been here one month. Getting a lot out of it. Learning lots of great stuff. It was a bit much at first but it's coming together. Hope you have a great experience.

See you around,
Vlexinc Premium
Thanks It's nice to know there are people that care.
Vlexinc Premium
I need help I need lot s of help and I don't where to start. I feel good about Wealthy Affiliate and that's one of the reason why I joined but,I have started so many different things in my site that I just don't know how to began to make money in it . I went to do so many things that I just don't know just how to start.When I first joined I made time to study but I studied the wrong form . I went right into the learning board . What I suppose to to was to go into lessen one. I really do I so much in my head . I have to get back into it because I do love working for myself and it means my life. After some one looks at my main site and think maybe they can help write me if you have time. it's the vlexinc one. Thank in advance. Alexis
Vlexinc Premium
Vlexinc Premium
hard it's very hard for me at this time to keep on going but,i am always trying.
Vlexinc Premium
Laynell Premium
Hi Lex, Welcome to WAU! Your "About Me" info was very touching. You have a very caring heart. It's amazing how life sometimes lead us down a path that causes us to ponder however, in God's timing He reveals it all. Steve left you with an opportunity to share, educate and encourage others through your experience. I can see that you are doing that through your "blogging". :) Continue to share and educate others by doing so you are blessing yourself. May God continue to richly bless you and your family. Again, welcome Aboard!
Vlexinc Premium
Thanks for stopping by and reading my space in WA.. In deed it is a pleasure to her from a fellow Christian. That's for you comment. The Love that I have for God is what keeps me going and just being her a WA seem to be just right for me at the present time. Thank You so much Alexis
kpfingaz Premium
Hey Lex, Welcome to WA.
Vlexinc Premium
Thanks for the welcome.