Posts by Glen122395 3
Whoo hoo...... my squidoo lens on a crafting topic now is on page 1 on Google... right behind Martha Stewart.  Look out Martha.  I'm coming thru! 
This has been a great week for my existing website on which I sell craft supplies.  I'm averaging between $200-300 a day in sales.  This is typically the worst month of the year for me (hey... selling wool in the hot southern summertime isn't easy!) so I'm really encouraged.  I've been using info that I've learned here on WA and I'm now finding myself with first page google listings on quite a few of my keywords.  WA has been well-worth the cost alone just to get th
May 28, 2010
Since joining WA a month ago, I have been so excited with what I have seen.  My mind has been pretty blown away with all of the information that is being crammed in there!  I decided that my best course of action would be to continue to study and use what I am learning to first  increase traffic to my existing website for my own products before striking out in too many directions.  I've had an online business for several years now and tried the Google ads...not having a clue