Blown Away with WA

Last Update: May 28, 2010

Since joining WA a month ago, I have been so excited with what I have seen.  My mind has been pretty blown away with all of the information that is being crammed in there!  I decided that my best course of action would be to continue to study and use what I am learning to first  increase traffic to my existing website for my own products before striking out in too many directions.  I've had an online business for several years now and tried the Google ads...not having a clue as to what I was doing and costing me dearly.  Anyway, using the information for free ways to promote my website, I'm now ranking on the first page of Google and Yahoo for my main keyword!  

I know WA is something I want to stick with and I've been searching for a way to come up with the money  to change my membership from monthly to yearly before the price increase. Then yesterday I had an unexpected $400 sale!  I figured this was a sign and converted my membership.  Can't wait to get other sites and campaigns going!  

Thanks to all of the WA members who have been so good in sharing so much.  You guys (and gals) are great!


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Moonstone Premium
apparently once we are members we dont have the price increase. Mind you does that mean we cant go from monthly to yearly? Hmm
Jamie Smith Premium
Cheers Glenda, congrats on your success! I just renewed my 1year WA membership also the other day.
jatdebeaune Premium
Hi Glenda, Like yourself, I'm also using my new knowledge re: free advertising, to drive traffic to my existing site. Spent a fortune on PPC in the past. Before I do it again, want to take the PPC course here so I do it more profitably. All the best to you. Joan
maureenhannan Premium
Wow--way to go, Glenda! What a terrific accomplishment. Congratulations. ~ Maureen