About Glowinggal
Joined May 2008
About Me...
Hi there! Thanks for stopping by my space here at WA! I currently run a Digital Scrapbooking Internet business. I also own a web design business that I let dissolve mostly due to the time and hours needed to launch and maintain the digital scrapbooking site when it started back in 2003.

I have debated on re-launching my web design business but have decided for now to put those hours into research and learning for my success as an IM with the help of the members here at WA I'm sure =]

feel free to contact me on instant messenger:
* Yahoo: wa.glowinggal
* MSN: glowinggal@live.com
* AIM: glowinggalwa
Glowinggal's Accomplishments

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Maxime Premium
Hello Amy,
I admire your communication skills, you will do well in this business. And of course I just love your extremely captivating portrait. Well done!! I am now going to rush around to try and find a picture of myself and ask you to be my buddy.
best wishes
glowinggal Premium
Awww thanks Max - You WILL do good at this - we all deserve it!!!
paidfromthenet Premium
welcome to WA, have fun, enjoy yourself, and stay focused......you have the info here you need to become a success....
paidfromthenet Premium
hmmm, I'm really big on blogging and social profile networks.

I use facebook, myspace, yuwie
then I use social bookmarking sites like digg, stumbleupon and the like
I also love twitter....I use ping.fm to update my status across multiple networks.
Really, anyplace that has large communities, or even small one's, I get in and contribuite...do you do any social networking?
glowinggal Premium
Thanks so much - I hope so :]
glowinggal Premium
so what is your favorite "way" to social network?
conquerapathy Premium
Hi! Welcome to WA...I like your scrapbooking site, by the way. Well done! =)
conquerapathy Premium
Wow! 3 dedicated servers...That's sweet! My business is going really well. Thanks!
glowinggal Premium
Thanks so much! It's a huge site - we run on 3 dedicated servers. How are you doing with your IM these days?
sunshinegirl Premium
Hi Amy, Just saying Hi...have bookmarked your scrapbook site and will check it out. Maybe the bug will bite me ;)
sunshinegirl Premium
Oh! I am such a nuff nuff! I replied to you ages ago....but just realised I did so on my own WA space not yours...oops! How accidentally rude of me!
Now I just need to figure out how to read what I wrote so I can cut and paste it here.
Hey...what are you getting out of WA spaces? I *can't quite* work out the point of it! Is it just for networking you think? I'd better go learn eh?
Oh and was wondering if your scrapbooking site is digital scrapbooking? I'm fairly ignorant about both...but it looks interesting all right. Maybe I need kids for the gene to kick in? lol.
sunshinegirl Premium
Hey there Amy! Howz it all going? I'm heading over to your scrapbooking site links above now, to see if I can grasp the concept of digital wallpaper creating. I don't even know if they're related topics! Cheers :)
glowinggal Premium
aww thank you so much! It will and YOU CAN DO THIS!!!
glowinggal Premium
ps - i like your declutter landing page/blog - how are you doing with sales on that?
glowinggal Premium
hey there "sunshine". you asked about my scrapbooking site; yep it's digital scrapbooking and I
1brokeman Premium
Hey hows it going just ran across your profile...jut wanted to say Hi and network with you. Nice site by the way.
1brokeman Premium
What program do you use for your digital scrapbooking?
1brokeman Premium
I have some experience in Photoshop....im not all that fancy just know enough to get some things done lol. My headers are basic also. I used to spend time doing it then I outsourced and saved my time lol.
1brokeman Premium
You can do it AMY......*chants* "AMY...AMY....AMY....AMY". lol
glowinggal Premium
Hey there - thanks for stopping by my pro! Best of luck to you starting again with IM - best of luck to you!!!
glowinggal Premium
I personally use Photoshop, but also know how to use Photoshop Elements and Paint Shop Pro and also am teaching an online class starting in September using Photoshop Elements. how about you? Any knowledge of graphics programs?