Good Morning (:

Last Update: May 17, 2010

So I got side-tracked last week with not feeling well AT ALL.  Disappointed with that too since I didn't have to babysit my cousin's little boys at all that week!  Anyways - it was one week out of many right?  Only thing to do is shrug it off and make this week the best I can and get as much done possible.  I don't have to watch them on Thursday so hope to take the ENTIRE day to get things caught up.

Have been reading in the forums... and do wish there were more current success stories stickied that are current other than Jennifer's.  I have learned to overlook the "this place sucks" and "this doesn't work" posts b/c many times if you look those particular posters also never posted for help or gave background as to what they tried to get where they were feeling that way.

I'm about to finish my personal business blog/site and then will be fairly free in my time to dabble in IM!  *yeah!!!*



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glowinggal Premium
Thanks so much - feeling MUCH better now - think it was related to not making the time to eat like i should (:
jatdebeaune Premium
Hope you feel better now. All the best.