Posts by Gmee 6
I bumped into a Matt Cutts video that was saying something about rel=canonical and such. Since I didn't understand it I did some research and did a post. I think I've got it now. rel-canonical and 301 redirects. 
February 04, 2011
Link Wheels look like a very cool idea. I have a membership with SeoLinkVine and I think I may use that to point links to the tier 1 and 2 sites and no longer use it to point to my main sites. Link wheels around your ezinearticles will help kick them above the other articles on the same subject. Sounds like a lot of work, but heck... If I'd work at a job for 8 hours a day, why can't I do it for myself? 
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February 03, 2011
Loved the post by burntout on what it takes to make it in marketing online. My wife and I both work out of the house. Nice not having any commute, especially when there's a foot of fresh snow on the ground. Or worse,sheets of ice. The problem,of course, is discipline. It's too easy to go putter in the garden, play video games, read endless blogs, and so on.  And then there's the endless list of possible avenues to take.  It's true that by working for yourself you are your own best a
February 03, 2011
Ok, so I'm running way behind... I have the time, just not the focus, but today was a decent day. Wrote two pages on the site for the  WA 30 day thing, and an article. thought I had lifted the article from someplace, pfft on them. So I submitted it to No problems there. Started up a  blog which I'll use for links back and for misc posting. I have an ancient pr 5 site over there, so I guess I'll see where I can add a link or two. Tomor
January 31, 2011
Running a little behind here, but I have a couple things done. I have the domain name, hosting (not WA, stuff I already had available) categories, the main page and the posts page.  Growth and Marketing Time for some keyword research  
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January 14, 2011
Just signed up for the WA Article Marketing 30 Day Club. SOunds like just what I need.