rel-canonical and 301 Redirects

Last Update: June 03, 2011

I bumped into a Matt Cutts video that was saying something about rel=canonical and such. Since I didn't understand it I did some research and did a post. I think I've got it now.

rel-canonical and 301 redirects

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gmee Premium
Well, the building part is easy. It's the tweaking that takes awhile. :) As far as the code goes, most of it you can completely ignore. Just let the plugins handle it. Otherwise, go for one small bite at a time. Kinda like your one greek word of the day. :)
Pleased you got it. Makes as much sense to me as a melted snowball but anything behind the webpage I view on screen is still a foreign language. So much for the "build a website in 60 seconds" that WAU advertises.