About Gray1983
Joined July 2009
Yes. My name is Jason and I'm a 25 yr old married man living in the Dallas, Texas Area and looking for new opportunities. I want to say that I'm a God fearing man that Loves the Lord with all my might. I'm looking forward to learning lots of new things and meeting great like-minded individuals looking to start and maintain a home based business. I will see you guys at the top and God Bless!!! Also I am looking for a mentor that will help me with reaching me and my families goals and dreams. It's not all about the money (which is a great help though), I want to be comfortable at what I'm doing and build a future for my family. I know I'm not here on accident because God has a plan for my life and I will do what needs to be done to achieve these goals. HARD WORK!!!
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tsmtih71 Premium
Welcome to wealthy Affiliate!!
lasvanoe Premium
Good luck with you journey here at WA! God bless to you and your family. Peace
gray1983 Premium
What's Good Wealthy Affiliate? I'm new here just joined and I am so excited to join liked minded individuals. 1st off, I want to say that I Love the Lord Jesus Christ with all my heart, soul and mind. I wouldn't be lead here without him. I just want to give thanks. I am married with a son whom I Love both dearly, just getting a head start for him and making life better for him is my main goal and to Glorify Jesus in everything that I do. So with that being said, I want to get started and with the help of Wealthy Affiliate and the community here, I Say Hello and let GO!!!!