About Hcloward
Joined September 2008
Hello everyone! The idea of making money online is a relatively new idea for me. Funny, because I typically spend 10 hours a day online. I recently started and quickly had to halt the process of working towards my Masters in Education. I did not have the financial means to take the time off work needed for me to be successful in the program. It was a devastating blow as I am an avid and passionate learner. My mother always told me I would be a career college student. I work as a construction accountant for a property management company. Although I love my job, I am becoming slightly bored at doing the same thing day in and day out. On top of that I would love to be able to supplement my salary or create a higher salary for myself. That is what brought me here. I am ready to work hard, learn all I can, and decide if internet marketing is something I can become passionate about.
Other then how I got here I am a normal girl. I love new adventures, reading, hanging out with friends and family, football (Go Cowboys), shopping, and attempting to deliver funny jokes. The two loves of my life are my boyfriend Andrew and our yorkie, Princess Grace.
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Yue Premium
Welcome to WA. Hows your progress so far? Wish you all the best and see you in the forum~
hcloward Premium
Hello Yue! I have added you to my buddies list! Thank you for the welcome. So far I am still learning. Slowly but surely I will make this happen for myself. Best of luck to you as well. Keep in touch!
Jeremynet Premium
Hi Welcome to WA
hcloward Premium
Thank you Jeremy!
hcloward Premium
Thought I would stop in and say hello! I am in week two and still taking in as much information as I can. Hope all is well with you!
Fender85 Premium
Good luck with week two! Love As Good As It Gets, and don't worry - it's the 21st century, so if you want to be a better man, you go right on ahead! :)
Fender85 Premium
Hey, no problem - thanks for having a sense of humor about it! lol Guess I'm a little late, but welcome to WA - If you have any questions, just ask. If I don't know the answer, I'll make up a good-sounding lie . . .
Fender85 Premium
No problem - I mean I used to sell cars, and I'm "one of those internet marketers," so coming up with "creative stories" is basically what I do, right? (kidding) :)
Fender85 Premium
Excuse me - FORMER car salesman, thank you very much! :) I'm legit, now - completed the 12 step program and everything, and now I'm bursting with trustworthiness . . . (so, is this the part where I insert the link to my new product? LOL)
Fender85 Premium
Yeah, well everyone loves shiny objects! And thanks - Miller Lite and Yuengling are my party beers - my for-the-sake-of-drinking-a-beer beer is the stuff up top in what tooks like a wine bottle - Three Philosophers . . . 9.8% alc. by volume - that's like the equivalent of almost 3 Miller Lites in one glass - pretty heavy duty stuff! lol

Oh, and I bet - I tried to take an accounting course a few years ago. Think I made it about half a semester! Yeah, the IM thing is definitely a lot to soak in at one time. You sound a lot like me - I like to see the "whole process" and how everything connects before I start something. Just don't forget to actually START, at some point! :) That alone puts you ahead of 95% of the people who look into IM . . .
Fender85 Premium
Hey, what's up? Make a million dollars yet? :)
Fender85 Premium
No million yet? You're slacking, Holly - Gonna have to step it up a bit! ;) Oh, and thanks for giving me the honor of considering me to be the first person you tell . . .

Seriously, you'll be ok. I think it was nearly 2 months from the time I first found out about internet marketing until I made my first sale - did a lot of dumb things along the way, but that's ok - part of learning. Biggest thing (and I know you've heard this before, but so true) is to just focus on one thing. I think that was a lot of my problem - kept buying IM guides that kept taking me in different directions. lol

Did you get your first article written yet, at least? :) Just keep taking action and you'll learn from your mistakes. Or maybe you won't, and you'll be a huge failure . . . Oops, I mean there's no such thing as failure, just learning opportunities - Yeah, that's what I meant . . .

I'm doing pretty well, thanks . . . Gotta head up to Wilkesboro (don't worry if you haven't heard of it - Just think of moonshine [original home of NASCAR!]) and cut the grass up at my parents' house there - part of a deal I have that puts me on the short end of the stick, but oh well - hopefully the house sells soon, or else fall comes and the grass stops growing!

Other than that, just cruising along . . . The PPC guide I released a few days ago has been doing very well. Just released it here at WA, so far. Open for feedback to help improve some of the teaching, and then I might promote it at a couple other forums, and then maybe get serious about an IM blog and drive organic traffic to it. Or, guess I COULD use PPC . . . LOL

Anyway, talk to you later - I fully expect you to have at least made HALF a million by the time I get home!
Fender85 Premium
Nooooo!!!!! I had that song stuck in my head the other day, and now it's BACK!!!

Oh, and I'm not the kind of guy that enjoys yardwork . . . I'm the kind that enjoys hiring other people to do it. LOL Thought's crossed through my head a couple times now, but I suppose it's almost that time of the year where I won't have to worry about it!

No problems - let me know if you need any help or direction. :)
Fender85 Premium
Jeez, we don't talk for a few days and you go out and change your hair color and make a lens . . . Good job, though - Has it been indexed by Google yet? And no, no grass cutting - I did some edging last night though! :)

Oh and I appreciate the kind words, but I'm afraid he's right - I am trouble. Yep, total bad apple . . . remember "just say NO."
Fender85 Premium
Hah, but I am not a "tough cookie," I'm a "bad apple" - TOTALLY different food group! :) I sent you a PM with some important info on your lens - I know a lot of people are paranoid about "publicly releasing" their stuff, so figured I'd give that a little privacy. lol

Oh, and yes, unfortunately too much of a landscaper for my taste! Do have an interview (if you can call it that - it's at Starbucks lol) on thursday with a local SEO company, so hopefully I can get some contracts from them and maybe just start paying for landscaping, instead! LOL
Fender85 Premium
But, but . . . There's ALWAYS room for me! :(

Sorry to hear about that - oh, and if there's anything that half semester of Accounting taught me, it's that you are ABSOLUTELY correct in saying that accounting is no fun! Take my recommendation, though - I'd go over there and make you sign up for it, that's how much I believe it's going to help you! lol
Fender85 Premium
Well look at you, miss popularity - all over the main page of WA Spaces! LOL Anyway, going to have to leave WA for a little bit, so wanted to say good luck. Hope that you're enjoying the 30DC . . . If you want to stay in touch via email or something just PM me and let me know.
hcloward Premium
Thank you for the laugh and the support! Happy Friday!
hcloward Premium
Perfect....if you don't know the answer at least the direction you are pointing me in will be creative!
hcloward Premium
Oh no a car salesman...hahaha!
hcloward Premium
Well good for you! I hope they gave you a nice shiny button! Nice choice in beer by the way! I could use one...long work day! I can't wait until this whole crazy Internet Marketing thing makes sense to me. Being an accountant is as you would expect....SUPER EXCITING!
hcloward Premium
I have yet to make one million dollars...sadface! I am sure I will make money in the future, but right now I am getting my feet wet. I am not internet saavy at all but I am trying! You might be the first to know when I make my first dollar. How are you doing?
hcloward Premium
As a motivation I am playing the song "If I had a Million Dollars" by the Barenaked Ladies! Have fun cutting the grass and thank you for the support!
hcloward Premium
Hope you didn't have to mow any lawns over the weekend! So, I guess I have officially be warned that you are trouble...haha! I assured concerned party that I can handle any kind of trouble! An update on my success is I finally published my first lens...wow! It was a long time coming. Not a million dollars, but it is pretty. Catch you later!
hcloward Premium
Edging huh? You are quite the landscaper. Yes, it was a busy weekend for me. New hair, new perspective, and a new lens...haha! I don't think it has been indexed yet as I cannot see it in google pages. I am just super excited I got the first one out of the way. YAY! I can handle any trouble btw. I eat tough cookies for breakfast.
hcloward Premium
I did actually eat an apple for breakfast today...haha! You are the best bad apple I know...okay so that is probably getting a little redundant..haha! Thank you seriously for being cool! Good luck today with the interview. I hope you will officially retire your lawnmower in the near future!
hcloward Premium
Hey I apologize for not responding to you yet. I am swaped at work. Ewwww.....accounting is not any fun.
hcloward Premium
OMG I forgot to ask how your interview went? I hope everything went smoothly!
hcloward Premium
I just left you a message right after you messaged me.
dappa_dan Premium
dappa_dan Premium
Gracious! I believe if you have the hunger and work ethic you will do well. The learning curve can be daunting but the chances of making a living with this is far greater than with most other ventures. Wishing you all the best. Cheers!
dappa_dan Premium
Good to see you still going strong, hope you're making in roads with your IM
dappa_dan Premium
how is everything? are you making some headway?
hcloward Premium
Thank you so much Dan! The support here at WA is amazing! Keep in touch!
hcloward Premium
You are right about the learning curve. Week one I was all over the place and now after reading through week two it is all starting to make more sense to me...YAY! I hope you are having a successful week!
hcloward Premium
Thanks Dan! I am doing alright with it. I had to take some time off for family and I have been swamped at my full time job. Hopefully one day that won't be the case. How are you?
C. Premium
Welcome to WA :)
C. Premium
Well first you have traffic - you provide value to your traffic and in response they click your links, which will drive them your page.. then on your page you have a monetization... if your traffic finds enough value they will monetize and then you will make money.... so your job is to provide value :)

hcloward Premium
Thank you for the welcome! I am enjoying my time learning new things on this site so far! It is still a little confusing and overwhelming, but I am positive I can be successful. I hope all is well with you! Don't be a stranger!