Affiliate Marketing for Dummies

Last Update: May 07, 2012

Hi WA friends!

I've updated my guide "Affiliate Marketing for Dummies". This is meant as an introduction to affiliate marketing for anyone that's new to the field. I've tried to make it as simple as possible so that anyone interested in making money online can understand what affiliate marketing is all about.

It's always good to clear the mind with a simple overview when confusion takes a hold of you and shakes you untill you don't know what's up and what's down anymore. This guide is meant for people new to affiliate marketing

I remember when I started out with affiliate marketing and I had to find out everything by myself. I wish I discovered Wealthy Affiliate at the time. However, WA didn't have the support it has today with the new chat- system and the great forum at that time.

I appreciate any feedback on the guide. Negative or positive. Since english is not my first language I also appreciate any feedback when it comes to language.



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ECAffiliates Premium
Looks pretty professional to me!
Great Work.
fishing Premium
Just wondering when you type are you using a double space between cat....
if you are you should keep in consistent....besides I lilke the look of the page and info looks good like the overview....not found of the double space though....just thinking outloud...
Helle Premium
Thanks for commenting. The "double spaces" are there because I use the full alignment so that the margins on each sides are the same. I think that looks so much better than using left alignment.