The end of Internet Privacy

Last Update: April 18, 2012

Thought I'd post a blog about what I see as a great concern. Internet Privacy. Right now the US is trying to pass a law that allows US agents to spy on almost everything people do on the  internet. Personally I am a big supporter of personal freedom and I find this law to be just insane. I'll put a link to a petition from avaaz here and hope that's okay according to the rules here at WA. After all, I think that stopping a few individuals from controling and supervising which websites you visit, who are your friends, how often you use your bank, which bank is it etc would be a good thing for all of us.


Here is the link:

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Bigman Premium
It's not just happening in the US either, the Government in the UK is trying to get a Law passed where they can monitor all the emails. I do understand that in some cases this is beneficial to the safety of the Country, but not when it's some child sending her Granny an email. Surely some things should remain confidential and not be read by one and all. Data Protection is becoming more of a mockery than a protection.
Helle Premium
You're totally right. Here in Norway the government recently passed a law which says that all emails, sms and computer traffic will be stored for 6 months. Only problem is that it's easy to avoid this with some simple software, and that's what any criminals would do. So in the end it's people like me and you that gets monitored. Personal freedom should never be taken away on the expense of security.
bstacy Premium
sounds like another step toward socialism....
Deezdz Premium
bstacy Premium
I understand all this monitoring is already in place and taking place in the US as we speak, (antiterrorism) they are just covering their bases with getting a law passed
Helle Premium
Antiterrorism is just an excuse for supervising and controlling the people so that the powerfull and rich can get more powerfull and richer. Keep the people afraid and you will have them under your control. As long as people are asleep in front of their TV series and playstations they can do whatever they want.
irelyon Premium
The government - if you wrapped up all of the government into a single person, is their any doubt that the person would be in a mental institution?

If they were really worried about theft, they would do something about the scam known as the Federal Reserve - - - this internet intellectual property piracy (movies and stuff is what they claim) is just an excuse to invade your privacy so they can tighten their grip of control. Their goal is to control content. By controlling content they will attempt to control our minds.

When I had a fruit farm, people would love to come and steal my fruit. I could not have the government or police dept come monitor my farm for thieves. I could only call them when I caught someone. I had to pay for the security of my private property. The government's left leaning Hollywood buddies should have to do the same.
What can you expect when you have a socialist in office?
Helle Premium
Yeah. Good points. Criminally Insane with paranoid schizophrenia would be part of the diagnosis. If the government had a fruit farm they would surely monitor the farm though. Problem with all the monitoring is that the worst ciriminals know about this. So they do what they have to do in order to not get monitored. There are simple softwares for this. The result is that 99% of all people who are monitored are innocent normal citizens.
Unfortunately, for most people today, privacy is so superficial. The government knows much more about you, what you do and where you go than you will ever care to know about. Libraries are required to disclose information about their patrons, where they go what books they read, what they do with library computers, etc. They're putting spy cameras on streets where the tourist attractions are, at certain intersections, this list goes on and on and on. Getting off the paper train these days is almost impossible. Note I said "almost." Get on no-call lists? That give you a one-way ticket to getting on the FBI's watch list! Horrible! I realize we have unprecedented freedom compared with other countries, but REAL freedom comes with a price attached. It is not free. We still must be very thankful we do have a voice here and can use it. In other nations, that can get you incarcerated. I am in no way justifying government getting involved with how people use the Internet, libraries, etc. I hate it! Showing here that this problem is much larger than most people realize.
Helle Premium
Thx for responding. Let's fight this shit as best we can!