About Hursty
Joined July 2008
Glad to be on board WA again! I joined a few years ago, left thinking I could do it on my own and decided to return after making zero by myself. I have learned a lot, but experienced information overload and realized I needed help putting all the puzzle pieces together.

Would appreciate buddies to keep me encouraged! I am fortunate to have a day job, but as many of us know, jobs are becoming more and more difficult
to bear and where I work harassment is the norm. I hope to retire in the next few years, so I need a biz that will help me to enjoy the years and be able to travel, something I love to do!

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gigi Premium
Wow, a traveler! I'm traveling for the first time in my life and am enjoying it immensely! I'd like to add you to my buddy list as a fellow newbie!
gigi Premium
Thank you for the wonderful comment! It means so much coming from someone with whom I share interests. Guess that means the compliment comes full circle, huh? In addition to what's already on my profile, I have a strong desire to be successful here to help my children & stepchildren find their way to financial freedom. And, like you, I am very interested in self-help as a way of giving. I'd like to create a site that teaches or encourages others, but don't know if I must have credentials to do so, or if it's even possible. Also, I've been told I should "write a book" about my life. There's actually quite a lot more than I posted. Maybe we can help each other with these dreams. Ya never know! So glad to have met you here and hope we become best of friends!
Hursty Premium
Wow! And I thought I've done alot of "stuff"! I think you are a focused lady and I think you'll own this website someday! You certainy have the drive! Keep in touch and great luck to you!

Darryl (Hursty)
elmo033057 Premium
I'm always here to help! God Bless ! ELMO
elmo033057 Premium
thanks so much for the words of encouragement. Let me know if you need anything.

God Bless!
elmo033057 Premium

I lived in Alaska for 6 years! I got there after the pipeline was finished, though. I got a great deal on a house because everyone left the bankers high and dry after the pipeline got finished.

Anyway, I just sent swissmiz a message and i guess I'll repeat it here for you. It involves a good way to uncover ideas.

God Bless!


OK, I'm going to give you a few pointers on how to not get confused by all of this.

The first rule is RESEARCH.
Take your time and really look around. I go to the book store a lot. Look at magazines. What trends are there?
I was at a big book store with my wife last week and I am utterly amazed that there were these huge expensive looking magazines about (get this) watches!!! Holy Manoly! There are apparently a load of people that buy the real expensive kind and collect them! So, what i'm trying to say is look at magazines of all sorts. Look in the backs of them as well. Here's another example, look in the back regularly of magazines in the grocery stores like the National Enquirer. The ads in the backs of those magazines cost big bucks to write and those people don't just stick them in there will- nilly! If you can, start collecting them and put them in a file. If you see the same ads month after month, then you may have a great idea for hot web site.

Here's a great place to check for ideas: http://www.google.com/trends

This is a tool that will tell you all about a trend for over a period of years. I just checked out GPS systems the other day and the need for those products are strong. Bee keeping is on the upswing too! Metal detecting too.

Want more ideas?

Start reading forums. People talk a lot about stuff there and you can get real specific. I have an electric bikes and scooters site. I checked out the forums the other day and guess what everyone was talking about? Where could they find a good supplier of electric bike batteries. I gotta put those on my site next.

Go to the library, start looking at everything. Check out stuff you are interested in, but don't be afraid to educate yourself on something new. i didn't know a darn thing about Electric Bikes but I have now written about them so much some people think I'm an authority. I got 9000 visitors last month!!!

Anyway, that's step 1. Make sure that there is a hungry crowd for your project.

Make sure that you go through the 8 week plan.

OK GO! I'll check on you later!
elmo033057 Premium

Here are some self improvement books for you can promote through clickbank: http://www.selfgrowth.com/topexperts.html?hop=0

God bless!

Hursty Premium
Hi elmo,
Thanks for the words of encouragement. I like your credentials and will no doube be asking 4 advice! Thanks, Hursty
Hursty Premium
Thanks Elmo! Good stuff, I've always thought I've been a jack-of-all-trades master of none! Maybe I've found my professional niche. A little research and I'm an expert! I actually worked on tankers going to and from Valdez, beautiful country. Would like to go back sometime and see more of it. I get hung up on keywords, I would like to promote self-improvement products in the way of self-hypnosis, etc. Got some good products, just tuning in on the niche, is frustrating. either too much competition (hypnosis) or too little to bring enough people. I guess you just keep at it or perhaps consider other ideas.


Darryl (Hursty)
RedRose Premium
Hi Hursty,

Welcome to WA. I'm learning alot with WA too. I like to travel but haven't been to all the places you have. What was your favorite place? Good luck and add me to your buddy list if you like. :)
Hursty Premium
Hi RedRose,

Thanks for connecting! I'm new 2 and there is so much to learn! I think if we stick to the plan and keep communicating on the forum we will do fine! I have already gotten some great tips! Keep in touch and I'll add you to my buddy list,

Darryl (Hursty)
kiwiboy Premium
Kia ora Hursty, You have a very interesting past there my friend, I would like to say I could relate to you, but I am a couple of years behind... I believe that your niche interests are "HUGE" for sure,
your theory with desire and success is "fact" in my mind my friend...
Please tell your daughter that WA says G-day, and we would love to help to make her family's life easier :) and its fun... I wish you well with your success... Rob
Hursty Premium
Thanks for your encouragement, my friend. Sounds like we have had some similar interests in the adventure area. I think this is great and I already have some ideas to work with! I came into this with the idea of promoting some products I like, and now have the urge to do some article writing about my past. Awesome!

Dennis Premium
hey there how is it going? with W.A hope things are working our the way you are expecting them to. need any help i am here, we are here. All the best at W.A.
Dennis Premium
Thanks big time, thats congratulations to hear that you are finishing up on your first lens, (give me the link.) i am sure as you go on you will find it more easier and easier, trust me on this i have been squidooing for quite sometime, its a very good way to generate free traffic, and even better you can generate an income from referrals that you bring to squidoo, am sure you are on right track, Hey here is one of my lenses that i recomed for you it might help you on your squid journey:
http://www.squidoo.com/howtousesquidootodrivetraffictoyourwebsite(you can rate it too)
Give me the link to your lens i can rate it for you too.(it helps with traffic rankings)
Dennis Premium
Hey hursty thanks for the gold have some from me. Success my friend.
Hursty Premium
Hi Dennis,

Thanks for the encouraging words, just finished my first squidoo lense and getting 2 more ready, and work on articles next. I think you will go far, sounds like your on the way!

Hursty Premium
Hey Dennis,

I forgot www.Squidoo.com/loving heart I'll check you site out sounds helpful, I just put one out there to accomplish something in my first couple of weeks it needs more I know, Thanks man!
