Free Webinar: Wordpress Affiliate Site Building

Last Update: June 25, 2010

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Free Webinar at Offervault.Com: Wordpress Affiliate Site Building

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Register For Free Webinar: Wordpress Affiliate Site Building

Date: Tuesday, June 29th at 9 PM eastern

Here's a little of what will be covered.
    * Quick Affiliate SEO Traffic Model
    * Authority Traffic Model
    * How to Easily Create Your Site Structure
    * How to Create Beautiful Affiliate Landing Pages
    * When To Use Pages Vs Posts
    * How to Promote Your Landing Pages from Your own Content


This webinar greatly complements the recent launch of WA's Wordpress Express.

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iFaith Premium
You're welcome Joan. I just wish WA's WP Express at a later time can be used to create blogs that can be uploaded to a different host.
jatdebeaune Premium
Haven't used WordPress yet, though I am sure I will be using it soon. This might be a good introductory lead in. Thanks Faith.