High School Revisted And Balancing It All

Last Update: August 15, 2010

My classmates and I will celebrate our high school anniversary (20th) this coming June 2011. As part of our ongoing celebration, we decided to help the school in supporting and coordinating elective school programs from tutoring, community service projects, choir etc..

I just returned from a school event. Today is the first day of school and I was in charge of organizing the school's first assembly program.

It went well - better than expected! We got good feedback and I got high marks for my writing skills.

Writing skills? I organized the event and wrote most of the program's content - that introduced the school year theme + motivational goals & objectives + school pledge - all presented by the rest of my classmates.

Research, Organizing and Writing Content to match the audience - all things that I've learned in IM is supporting my non IM endeavors.

My writing skills continue to expand as I get more and more involved with IM and I am much grateful for this and more.

I am definitely super excited for the rest of this year 2010 and beyond.

Finding and living a well rounded life is not easy. I'm doing great in most areas of my life and I owe it all to: striving for balance, for doing my best with what time and resources I have, and enjoying the process - the living of it.

Dreams and wishes can only get you so far. Add these to commitment and action and the results become a banquet of choices and opportunities for so much more!

So if you don't see me much - blog/forum posting or chatting, then know that I'm probably tutoring or supervising some high school students in cleaning up a park or other like it. 

I will still be highly involved in my own IM campaigns and will definitely post every now and then accordingly.

I know I can't do it all. I know I can do my best in selecting what I deem is important and focusing my 100% on it. 

And so I encourage all to keep moving forward with your own goals and objectives. Commit to your goals and carry out your plans with as much joy as possible  – striving for balance in however way you define it.

We only live once and I want my life to be as balanced as possible. And IM is only a part of it - a means to financially allow me to do more of what I want in life and enjoy it all the more.

Take care and best of many blessings!




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maureenhannan Premium
Oh, that's wonderful, Faith! What a worthwhile undertaking. You'll be missed. I know I always love seeing your comments on my posts. But it's great to know that you are sharing something so important with teenagers. (In my other life, many moons ago, I was a high school English teacher...learned a lot about teaching the writing process during those years. If you'd like a sounding board, I'm here! Good luck, Faith.
iFaith Premium
@Joan: I know - I will miss being here constantly too. Thank you for friendship and chats - appreciate them very much! Best of many blessings on your own IM pursuits and non IM plans! Take care and I will definitely catch up with you and all when I can. Cheers!
jatdebeaune Premium
That's great Faith. It's very important to lead a balanced life. Your constant presence will be missed here, but you have other important work to do as well. I, too, have to spend time on projects which will take me away from here quite a bit. I have an affection for our fellow members, so it's been hard to tear away. I wish you many blessings too.