13 Ways Affiliates Can Tell It's Friday the 13th

Last Update: August 13, 2010

13 Ways Affiliates Can Tell It's Friday  the 13th....

#1 The merchant that invited you to join their program yesterday… auto-declines you when you join today.

#2 You check your PPC campaign and see your new keywords are pulling clicks like crazy. Then you discover the merchant’s landing page has been going to a 404 all day.

#3 That hot little niche Indie program you’ve been cashing in on, because other affiliates haven’t found it yet… shows up on CJ.

#4 The affiliate network’s links are all down but they tell you “don’t worry tracking has not been affected.” ;-)

#5 The affiliate manager calls to tell you congrats you won the contest! You get the newsletter that goes out to 2,000 other affiliates, anxious to see your 1st name, last initial in lights. Instead you see… “and the 1st place prize for highest sales volume goes to yourmainaffiliatesite.com

#6 You get a recruiting email that says “after carefully reviewing your site, we feel our penis enlargement products would be a great fit.” Your site is a work at home Mom blog.

#7 You start the day off excited because you made 3 sales off a brand new link. They immediately get reversed. You find out the merchant’s tech picked up your cookie by accident and was just making some test purchases.

#8 You finally find that product you’ve been looking for that has a high paying affiliate program. BUT there is a big RED 800#. You email the affiliate manager to ask about phone tracking and the AM says “what’s phone tracking?”

#9 You get an email saying a merchant is dropping you for inactivity… but you only joined 2 weeks ago and just got all their links up today.

#10 You join a program that touts a small base but says super affiliates can make much more. After you join you find out the 1st bump is for 20,000 in sales and to get the top tier payouts all you need to sell is 100,000 units.

#11 You spend an hour trying to pull a datafeed filled with thousands of products… only to find out it has only 2 categories and no sub cats.

#12 That new merchant you just built a 30 page site around… adds Adsense to all their pages.

#13 You get a drop notice today (Friday the 13th), saying it’s retroactive to the 1st of June and none of your commissions this month will be paid. 

By Linda Buquet at 5 Star Affiliate Programs Blog


Happy Friday 13th,



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maureenhannan Premium
This list made me think of the Yiddish expression "Oy gevalt." There are some Friday the 13th sentiments that only Yiddish seems adequately capture. Great list, Faith! Made me smile/grimace. (A couple of these have happened to me so far...probably have more in store....)
jatdebeaune Premium
Ludicrous funny. #4 actually happened to me after a boatload of work on 2 merchants. They were the two that were down.