Google's Wonder Wheel: Free Visual Keyword Tool

Last Update: July 16, 2010

Google’s Wonder Wheel is a free visual keyword research tool that can help you find relevant and secondary long tail keywords. As well as help you think of all kinds of topics to write about.

Let’s say your niche is Internet Marketing. Go to and type in Internet Marketing in the search box.

On the right hand side of the Google’s result page, you will see a link that says “More Search Tools”. Click it.

Look for a link that says “Wonder Wheel” and click on that.

You can click on each of the keywords from the first wheel to spin off another ‘wheel’ with more keywords.

Your can also design the structure of your website or blog using this handy tool.

The main category pages of your site will be the 8 keyword phrases that comes out at first via the first wheel. Further spin-off keywords from each of the main keywords can be other deep link topics that you can add to your site. As well as use in articles or as anchor texts in your blog/forum marketing efforts for getting backlinks and traffic.

Google values content relevance as an important part of search engine optimization. If you design your website using Google’s Wonder Wheel, then your chances of getting indexed quickly and moving up higher in the ranks will increase by a lot.

Check out Google’s Wonder Wheel.





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awiredman Premium
Neat Tip!

jatdebeaune Premium
Thank you again Faith. I will definitely try it.