Importance of Creating an IM Business Plan

Last Update: July 19, 2010

I'm in the process of finalizing my online business plan.

See here: Faith's IM Business Plan

In the meantime, read on to learn why I'm doing this and how this can help you in your own Internet Marketing business.

A business plan is important for any business, offline or online. It is the blueprint for your internet marketing business.

A business plan will comprise of multiple sub plans. And must be changed over time to keep up with the times, needs/desires and over all growth.

Creating this plan can be time consuming, but it's essential if you want to survive the startup phase and jumpstart your success no matter where are in your IM venture.

Clarify where you've been, where you stand and where you're going.

Give your internet marketing business the best possible chance of success.

Make planning and taking action manageable and effective.

Allow for brand recognition, profit growth and long lasting sustainability.

Create your own online business plan to uniquely reflect who you are, your goals, and how best to meet them successfully.

I found this tutorial at WA: Planning Your Successful E-Business

It is great to model from to create your own IM business plan. Update regularly to keep your motivation and action in check.

There is no perfect plan, business or otherwise - only results that can be what you want or not accordingly. And a plan that can be updated to match who you are and where you are going.

Do you have an IM business plan or are you just shooting for a slice of the pie in the sky with no plan or strategy in place?




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erussell Premium
Very useful post! I need something like this for sure; I have so much I'm doing I need some way to manage it all.
jatdebeaune Premium
Thank you once again Faith. I could use some structure in that department. A business plan helps you to visualize the complete picture, where you have come from and where you're going. Tightens up your goals, even when you make changes.