Not Everything Counts Or Can Be Counted

Last Update: June 02, 2010

"Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted."  - Albert Einstein

A very wise statement by one of the smartest person that has ever lived. And this goes to show that no matter how smart or not you are, keeping things simple, easy, and starting now  leads to a faster, much successful life.

I have been doing keyword research for my next online project and doing fine.

The trouble came when I started to go beyond the scope of the research and try to predict the outcome as well as started worrying that I might not have enough right information.

I know and keep reminding myself that research can only get you so far, that the outcome and the results gained can't be really quantified until they happen, that what really matters is that I act and see what happens. And finding this Einstein's quote today made this understanding more welcoming and helpful at this time.

The first part of Albert Einstein's statement echo in my mind, telling me just that: not everything that can be counted counts. I can do great research and gain lots of specific information, but not all of them will have impact or importance on getting the results that I am after. 

The second part: not everything that counts can be counted. Everything that makes something work at its perfect state, all its necessary parts can't be truly known or applied at the same time. It is a continual learning experience of trial and error, to find and apply what works, what makes what works a success. 

Having the belief that I must have the right research info in order to succeed is good. But, it  can be a setback especially if you are a perfectionist or a worry minder. Going round and round in circles or stuck on finding more information won't yield any results - no application of that information, no results.

Yes, not everything that can be counted counts and not everything that counts can be counted. But everything can be started with a basic foundation and built up from there, rinsed and tweaked for greater results. 

Act now if you have the necessary parts in place and let the journey take you where it will. Results will happen when application of research and information is acted upon. And can be improved upon for greater, leveraged success. 





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jatdebeaune Premium
Wonderful post Faith. I love the quote from Einstein. It's not an exact science. Nothing really is, and if Einstein says that, then there you go. Get to the point where you just have to plunge. Success to you in your campaigns.