The future now

Last Update: May 16, 2012
i was just reading an article about a company started in April of this year that is offering college level interactive courses over the internet. It is growing rapidly which is no surprise based on the cost of a college education. What struck me was a comment that since it is worldwide there is always someone up to ask questions of or chat with. My first thought was WA has been doing that for a long time. Here is the url if you would like to check it out, Come the Revolution -
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BIS Premium
I also like the idea of learning online though I know there is already a lot of poor quality materials just as there is in a classroom. I am currently developing my own virtual learning environment to be able to offer online coaching programmes which is fun.

The biggest issue for learners is if you haven't developed the skills of being an autonomous learner - you fail at it, because you don't stay committed, you don't ask questions and you struggle.

Thanks for sharing this article.
Sielke Premium
Online education has been exploding and I totally agree with it. The things I learn from things online far outweigh a traditional classroom. Even traditional schools that offer online education allows me to learn at my own speed which is a lot faster than waiting for everyone to understand the concept, then when I need to spend a little more time on something I have the ability to do that without slowing everyone else down.