What are you afraid of?

Last Update: July 17, 2012
In my quest to promote Wealthy Affiliates I have encountered a recurring theme. People are afraid to give Internet Marketing a try. I ask What are you afraid of ? Maybe it's the fear of what other people will think or maybe it's because you don't think you are computer literate enough.

I heard a speaker the other day that had a unique insight. He believes Americans are afraid. My thought was Afraid of what? He went on to explain that the unending bad news of the last several years has caused people to become afraid and without hope. I say B.S. Sure we are tired of the endless political crap from Washington but I don't believe we have given up on our country.

We are still free to spend our money and time as we want. If you don't like the current political system you are still free to work at changing it. We have freedoms that other countries would be and are willing to die for. I believe our problem is we have taken our eye off the ball. We have become complacent and used to somebody else taking care of the problems.

Sure Internet Marketing may require a leap of faith for some of you. Are you one of those that is fearful and hopeless. I ask again What are you afraid of ?
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Hudson Premium
I guess we are all afraid or have fear of failure, no question. Where IM is concerned most of us are taking a leap of faith. One way of newbies being re-assured on this point is for them to read the success posts on the forum. These are from members who have actually made it work and have achieved success. Their stories will also help all newbies set their expectation levels to be realistic, which I think helps a lot going forward.


Thanks for the comment
klrrider Premium
Fear is used to control... fear of the economy, fear of terrorism, fear of global warming, fear of aliens (lol), fear of end times... etc... the list goes on and on. Let it go and be happy and productive. IM is not only profitable but fun to boot. OH... I only made $5 an hr. today working on my computer... how much would I have made drinking beer and watch the game?
I agree thanks for the comment
Shawn Martin Premium
I have jumped off the cliff with faith that I will land on my feet, nuff said. :)
I like the way you think. Thanks for the comment
LordDemon13 Premium
What am I afraid of? Personally I'm afraid of wasting time & money... I'm afraid of building a site in a niche where there are not enough visitors to make any income... I'm afraid that all my efforts are wasted. But I think just seeing people succeeding gives me hope that I'll succeed too
We all have our fears but if we don't step out in a direction then we can only follow. Believe me i have them also. Thanks for your comment and sharing your feelings
fishing Premium
Most people are afraid of things they no not.....change can be a hard thing to accept for some....this IM is so different from anything that I have ever done...I like it but sure is different and some folks just do not believe in it.....
I agree. There are those who don't believe in it but IM is here to stay and growing every day. I think it's great that we have a place to air/share our thoughts. Thanks for the comment