Posts by Incognito 16
August 11, 2013
Testing on 12th August. First thing to do.
Hi everyone,It's been a while since my last post so I figured I would share with you a nice little interactive map which shows the sheer volume of website that exist online, as well as how they compare in mass with others.Click the image below to check it out or go to for reading and feel free to share this post or leave your comments below.Ride the wave :)Leo
Ever heard of the term "responsive web design"? If not, that's ok. This is actually a new trend that is taking off within the web industry and it should definitely be something that you need to keep your pulse on. Being a web dev geek, I always try and stay in the know about the latest web design trends. In this post I'm going to touch on the basics of what responsive web design is as well as what benefits it will bring to your website accessibility and SEO factors.
[Updated to text links - due to videos not showing in WA OEP release] Hello everybody! Considering the recent WAbinars we had with Jay and all the forum activity surrounding the topic, I thought I would share with you today the following collection of videos which touches on various aspects on what Rich Snippets are? how they work? how you can implement them on your site and much more...   Introduction to Rich Snippets   Types of Rich Snippets   Ric
Hi everyone, Here is a quick little infographic (courtesy of Search Engine Land) I came across about a month ago and had it scheduled to share with the WA family. It really provides a good visual on what ranking signals search engines consider when ranking your web pages.  So here it is, enjoy and as usual feel free to leave your comments below and I'll get back to you. Click the image to view large version        Thanks for stopping by...  Ride the wave :) Leo&n
Happy 2012 Everyone! Hope you have recovered from your festivities and are ready to get started (or continue on...) for this new and exciting year that lays ahead.  This will be a short post where I thought I would share with you some interesting graphs on how online activity was performed every 60 seconds in 2011. Check out the infographics below and as always feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments area. Ride the wave :) Leo   
December 02, 2011
So Long Yahoo! Site Explorer, We Had Some Good Times... It's true. The once beloved and highly popular Yahoo! Site Explorer by many SEO's has closed down. If you don't believe it you can see for yourself by clicking here. Since it's inception back in 2005 this great tool has been used by countless SEO's as a means not only to check their link profiles, but also as one to analyse their competitions. Unfortunately, just like many of Yahoo's products lately it is also sun setting and they're now
I don't know about you, but I sometimes think about the fine line between SEO vs. SPAM, and how Google actually treats these two? Do they see them as one? Have all the black hat techniques that are out there jeopardised those of us who really want to make a difference by helping our website visitors and provide the best user experience possible...We're taught to produce quality content, but then again, how do you REALLY define what is true quality content in our eyes vs. the way others perceive
October 05, 2011
In last blog post I spoke about Steve's departure from Apple. After so little time passing we have now come to learn that the man dubbed a visionary has passed away.I came across this video of Steve talking to a class of Stanford students which holds some very valuable and inspirational messages.I hope you enjoy it as I have.Ride the wave...Leo
So I'm sure some of you have heard the news that the Apple man himself has stepped down as the CEO for one of the most powerful technology companies in the world. For the Apple lovers out there perhaps today is a sad day for you.  I can honestly say what Steve Jobs has done for the online world has been nothing short of incredible. A true visionary. A man of amazing and consistent innovative ideas.   Here is letter from Steve Jobs himself for those who might be interested: T