The Internet Map - How Do Sites Compare?

Last Update: August 03, 2012
Hi everyone,

It's been a while since my last post so I figured I would share with you a nice little interactive map which shows the sheer volume of website that exist online, as well as how they compare in mass with others.

Click the image below to check it out or go to

Thanks for reading and feel free to share this post or leave your comments below.

Ride the wave :)

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Shawn Martin Premium
Very interesting
Labman_1 Premium
What a great map. I clicked on it and found an amazing thing. Each of those little dots is a real site. Hmmm, wonder what is all about.
Incognito Premium
They're indeed. When you compare the sheer volume of sites like Google and Facebook, you really get an indication of how massive they truly are.
Labman_1 Premium
Yup totally awesome. Checked btw and everything is in Chinese characters. At least I assume them to be Chinese, I don't read it.