Google's Farmer Update - NEW Infographic Just Released

Last Update: March 23, 2011

Hi guys,

Just came across this great Infographic by the guys over @ SEO Book which I thought I would share with you. 

It really illustrates some of the recent Google changes that have occured in the SEO world with the new "Farmer/Panda Update".

You can click on the image below to view the larger version.

Google's Collateral Damage.

Infographic by SEO Book

Would love to hear your thoughts on it, so leave me your comments below.

Ride the wave :)


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DABK Premium
Yup, Google wants to make money, so do tons of other people. Google at their expense, them at Google's. Google moves, they counter. Google moves, they counter.

They is us and it's time to counter.

So you have to please Google and not be buried by 'they.'
Adi2008 Premium
Fantastic find! Thanks for sharing.
canuck Premium
This is an awesome illustration and as far as I can tell pretty accurate. Basically, all I got from it; Build an authority website with quality content and you're good ;)
Labman_1 Premium
Don't really know how to respond to that as I really only experienced the bottom half of the chart. I like the end where they say that opportunities have opened up. I wonder what they are? I think I have a bit of an idea but can't implement just yet.
Ah well, one thing at a time.