Is YOUR Website Speedy Enough?

Last Update: April 01, 2011

Hi guys,

Just came across this cool little tool that may be of interest to you.

Pretty much what it does is analyze your website for speed issues and provides recommendations on what areas you should fix up.

Considering that Google also accounts for the speed of your website to determine rankings I thought it might be useful to at least keep in the back of your mind.

Get YOUR Need For Speed Here



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jatdebeaune Premium
This is a great tool Leo. I am analyzing one of my website's speed. Gives you a lot of information. Thanks again.
Incognito Premium
@Joan - Definitely. For me at least the speed of a website is very important as it helps with the overall user experience. The way I see it, the better the experience, the more likely my visitors will be to stay longer on my website, which then contributes to my bounce rate (i.e. another ranking factor).

@Bob - No worries and thnx for the G! :)

@Mike - Glad you enjoyed it mate! Love the nickname, LOL.
mmorales Premium
Good information, thanks "Wiz"
klrrider Premium
Thanx Leo, G4U!
jatdebeaune Premium
That's great Leo. Thanks for the resource. The cable guy came over a couple weeks ago and did all kinds of updates and tweaking and got my speed from 7 to 17. It's made all the difference in the world. I didn't know that about Google.