About Irishmist
Joined February 2010
Hi all at WA,Bernard here but in WA i go by irishmist.
Well i'am Irish as you properly know by now
and have been for most of my 39 or is it 29 years.
silly me i can never remember.
Anyway,i'am an out of work firefighter due to a work
accident some 14 momth's ago but thank god i am now
on the road to recovery.
Joining WA is my back up plane just in case i don't get
my old job back.so far so good ,it has been a real eye
opener.,as well as WA i am also doing a MSCA course,
that would be "Microsoft service administrator course",
at least it sounds good!
For my down time i like to go for a run,maybe swim
or hillwalking,playing the Bagpipes is another hobby of
mine.i have been doing so for most of my life.
Reading is something i really enjoy,when i get a chance
that is,at the moment i am reading"Shaman Healer Sage"
how to heal yourself and others,"The stuff of anthropological
bestsellers....A flight of fancy,confounding our categories
of fiction and non-fiction...(according to the new york times
that is).
SO what do i want to get out of WA?
Well first of all i would like to make some money and then
some more money....lol..no seriously!..make friends and enjoy
what i am doing and if the money comes rolling in then
"Happy Days"
I am looking forward to talking to ye all over the coming month's,
so for now be good ,be safe and have fun.
Irishmist's Accomplishments

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music_mom30 Premium
irishmist Premium
Thank you.
irishmist Premium
Thank you.
View578 Premium
Welcoming you here and wishing you the best.
irishmist Premium
Thank you., hope to talk soon, bye for know.
Pixote Premium
Good Day! I would definitely take advantage of the action plan (step by step) posted on the top left of your home page as a way to start and fill in any time gaps with some of the execlent tutorials. You can find them in the site map in under Help at the top right of your screen. If you have any need for help just post the question in the appropriate forum or PM a Buddy as we all try to assist each other in a common goal. Take care and good luck to you!
Pixote Premium
You did just fine. A lot of buddys talk just as we are now. I usually PM a buddy if I have a direct question or subject I would like to share with him or her without necessarily making it public. Otherwise most buddy talk goes on in WA spaces, a few times on blogs or in the forum but usually in WA spaces.
Pixote Premium
You did just fine. A lot of buddys talk just as we are now. I usually PM a buddy if I have a direct question or subject I would like to share with him or her without necessarily making it public. Otherwise most buddy talk goes on in WA spaces, a few times on blogs or in the forum but usually in WA spaces.
irishmist Premium
Hi! thanks for your advise,I hope you get this,forgive if you dont but i am still trying to get used to every thing.Should i reply on my WA space or in my buddy network?...talk soon..
irishmist Premium
Hi all, very new to this,so lots of help and advise is most welcome.Looking forward to talking and making new friends over the coming weeks,months and years.[HOPEFULLY]....talk soon...bye..
bodovan Premium

Welcome on board!!!
Let me know if you need anything to help you here or anything else...
You also are welcome to share any useful information if you want...
Talk to you soon...

Take care,
irishmist Premium
Thanks Ivan,
Thats great,looking forward to talking....bye for know....