About Isabelle
Joined December 2009
Hi there,

my name is Isabelle. I am really new here at WA and a little bit lost in finding out, how everything works here.

So, I will tell a little bit about me. I am a thierty year old, proud Mom of three. My youngest is about one month old. At the moment I stay at home. But normally I have a 9-5 job for earning money to pay the bills and fill the fridge.

My goal is to become financially (more) independent and to work from home, to spend more time with the people I love. So I hope that I will find here good advice, support and motivation in taking my first steps in Affiliate Marketing.
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music_mom30 Premium
music_mom30 Premium
He is 7 months, but still doesn't sleep well. We are up with him 2 or 3 times a night...every night :O And only get about 3-5 hours of sporadic sleep, I miss sleep!
music_mom30 Premium
Haha! I hear ya, I often am typing one handed, sure makes things interesting. :)
music_mom30 Premium
I've actually developed carpal tunnel, so sad! I better learn how to use my mouse with my left hand :)
Isabelle Premium
Hello Kat,

thank you for the Welcome :)
Can I ask how old is your new baby boy? I have a one-month-old and the nights are very short here *lol*
Isabelle Premium
I understand how you feel, believe me. ;) *hug*
Isabelle Premium
I understand how you feel, believe me. ;) *hug*
Isabelle Premium
ups, posted three times. Sorry. This is, because I have to write with my left hand. The right holds the babyboy ;)
Isabelle Premium
i make so many tiping failures here, it's really embarrasing *lol* but i have the sweetest alibi for this :)
amazing1 Premium
Welcome to WA. I wish you well in your endeavors and into the holidays and New Year. Please ask if you need assistance. Brian from Oregon. Take it slow and easy and you will learn to earn.
amazing1 Premium
Thank you for the comment on my art. You are welcome for the welcome. Please ask if you need assistance.
Isabelle Premium
Hi Brian,

thanks for the Welcome! :)
Your artwork is really impressive...
Louise M. Premium
Hi and WELCOME ! Glad to have you here !

Feel free to contact me if you need help. Good luck ! :)
Louise M. Premium
Thanks ! Yes I would have loved to be a young girl in the fiftees, just like my grandma. I love when she tells me about her life back then. :)
Isabelle Premium
Thank you for the Welcome :) You have nice photos added...
Isabelle Premium
You come from paris, right? the fiftees in paris were great, i am sure! :)
Ezinewriter Premium
Hello Isabelle! You have a pretty French name. To remove the picture you do not want, just click on the picture and you will see at the bottom of the page that will pop up there is a delete option. Just click delete and you will be done. Welcome to WA :)
Isabelle Premium
Hi Sylviane,

Thank you for your Welcome :)
My Mother was french. She was born in Ile de la Reunion. But I raised up in Germany.
M-skeezy Premium
Welcome to WA.Good luck ;o)