Passive Income 101

Last Update: August 08, 2017

My name is Steve Razinski and that’s me to the right with my wife Amanda.

I want to welcome you to Wealthy Affiliate. You're here now, for free, inside the most powerful training platform in the world. You have access to all of the tools, training, and support you will need to build a passive income online, and so far, it cost you nothing.

Over the next few days, I will be your guide and will show you a tried and true method on how to build a passive income online.

Keep an eye out for my emails and open them as they come in. They will offer you step-by-step training on how to get up and running.

Today, I want to give you an overview of how I make my money online. Then, I’ll show you a few examples of ways that I personally have made money. Finally, I will tell you how you can follow in my footsteps and start building a business that will earn you a passive income. Best of all, it won’t cost you anything to get started.

Sound good?

Let’s go.

Here's The Steps I Take to Build Passive Income Streams

(Quick reminder, this is just a brief overview. Stick with me to the end as it will all make sense by then.)

Step 1. Identify a topic to cover.

For this example, I am going to show you how one article I wrote in 2011 has earned me over $200/month. The article covered a wake up light.

If you’re unfamiliar with wake up lights, they are alarm clocks that slowly get brighter to help your body adjust to the morning. I impulse bought one a few years ago as they were just gaining popularity.

Step 2. Write an Article

I noticed people were searching for information about them online and decided to write and publish an article on my website covering my experiences with them.

It’s a fairly simple blog post where I talked about the benefits of using one, how it was helping me wake up better each morning, and where you (the reader) could go to buy one.

Step 3. Get picked up by Google

(Note: this part seems to worry people. Google is constantly looking at websites for new content to include in their search results. You don’t have to actually do anything here as Google will come to you.)

The next thing that happened is Google picked up my review (they find your articles automatically), and gave me the #1 position in the search results for the wake up light.

As you can see, my website appears at the very top of the search results for this light. I even managed to beat out Amazon in the rankings.

(Did you happen to see the publish date in the search results? That article was written in 2011 and I STILL rank #1 in the search results today.)

Step 4. Get Paid

At the bottom of that article was a call to action, basically saying click here to view the product at Amazon.

Now, every time someone clicks on one of those orange links, Amazon credits me with the recommendation, and I receive a commission for ANYTHING bought at Amazon over the course of the next day.

Below is just a screenshot of one month of orders on just the wake up light alone. I highlighted the last column because that is how much I was paid per order.

And this doesn't even include other products that may have been purchased at Amazon that I got credit for!

Truly Passive Income

Above is what a typical month of orders looks like for me. Now remember, this is an article I wrote SIX years ago.

All I did was write the article and link to Amazon. Google picked up the article, included it in their search results and now I have a stream of passive revenue that earns me a decent chunk of change each month.

The $10,000 Example

Now that you have an idea of the process involved, I wanted to show you what my most lucrative 24 hour period has looked like.

I had published a review of an online training program back in 2014 and Google picked up the review and put it in the #1 spot for the program’s name.

My review has held that number one spot for 3 years now. You read that right. These $10k+ in commissions came from an article that I published in 2014. This is passive income at its finest.

In April, this program opened up enrollment for a two week period. During that time, hundreds of visitors per day flooded my website as they did their research on whether on not they should join. Here’s a look at my account showing my total commissions earned in the 24 hours before the product closed its doors:

What’s important to note is this is just ONE blog post and it was published BACK IN 2014. I have made minor modifications since it was first published, but for the most part, those earnings are the result of a couple hours of work over 3 years ago.

The example above has the potential to bring in $100,000+ over the next few years. Seriously. This is the stuff of dreams. I put in a few hours of work a couple of years ago and the dividends are paying out beyond my wildest dreams.

I founded I’ve Tried That in 2007 and have been actively building it for the past 10 years. As of May 2017, I have published 1,832 articles to my site.

Every article I publish is another potential form of YEARS of passive income.

Above is just a screenshot of sales that came in over a 24 hour period. The program I reviewed was accepting members for 2 weeks before they closed their doors. In that time, I sold $13,992.50 in total.

That's about 5 months of work for most people and I made all of that without having to lift a finger.

This is what building a passive income is all about.

Here's How to Get Started

What I outlined above is called affiliate marketing. In short, you will be setting up websites (relax, these days it’s as easy as filling out a form and clicking a button), writing articles, and sending the visitors you attract to advertisers websites.

Every article you write and publish can get picked up by Google and remain in the search results for years, if not indefinitely, leading you to a truly passive income.

Here are a few more examples of my own passive income earnings:

I mentioned above that when I started building my business, I had absolutely zero guidance.

Lucky for you, I spent years figuring this out. My experiences are yours to gain. I have reviewed about a thousand different work at home opportunities for my website over the past 10 years.

I can count on one hand the number of products that are actually helpful.

At the top of that list, is Wealthy Affiliate, the affiliate marketing training platform you're on now and it has been my #1 recommendation since I became a member back in 2009.

It holds the top spot for one simple reason: you are here now, inside the members area, and you get to test-drive the entire system at absolutely no cost to you.

Wealthy Affiliate is much more than just a program or a service. It's an online business community that was designed to give beginners step-by-step instructions on how to build an business that will generate a passive income.

I attribute 100% of my success online to the training, support, and connections I've made while a member at Wealthy Affiliate.

Everything I've shown you above is a direct result of my time spent at Wealthy Affiliate. Instead of just telling you about it, I wanted to give you a quick tour of just a few of the features offered.

Here's What Wealthy Affiliate Offers

There are A LOT of features included with a membership at Wealthy Affiliate. Here are some of the most important I've found.

Step-by-Step Training

The training was designed specifically for beginners. It's broken down into actionable step-by-step tasks to help you go from knowing nothing about online content creation to having your very own website up and running within a few minutes.

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