About IZero
Joined December 2011
Well.. I would love to say that I'm an ordinary College guy.. but sadly I am no longer.. at least for a little while.

I personally joined WA because I too wish to make money online. Noted.. I've read the fine print stating this isn't a "Get rich quick" or making 300 million dollars upon joining (lol that would of been awesome if that was the case XD)

No, Thanks to Ryan Moran, Some readings of PotPieGirl, and Kyle.. Lead me well.. here O_O

Hopefully I will be able to become a success as a IM, and gain nice friendships, etc etc, You know ;p

If Any of you guys have a Question about me, feel free to ask. I'm as open as a book.. ok maybe not THAT open, but you get the Jist of it ;D
IZero's Accomplishments

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webkab Premium
Welcome to WA. There's lots of info on this site so don't let it blow your mind. Follow the 30 training offered here and also go to WAbinars and go to Affiliate Walk Through parts 1 & 2. There it will put it all together for you. I also suggest going to potpiegirls blog. She good. MUCH SUCCESS
webkab Premium
I know how it is. I am a real estate agent here in Illinois and if you know anything about this state it's one of the worst hit with the real estate downturn. Lost about 80% of my income. WA has been good for me and I have developed sites like www.comforthealtybikesaddles.com that is creating an income for me. I also do websites for small business since learning how to put together Wordpress (It's Great). I am now getting into mobile websites and really looking for people that want to make money learn this business and move forward with it. No, I'm not selling just trying to reach out, help people that are in our situtation and get us back on our feet. By doing so I can help them and help myself.
I have people that are building these sites now for me and also facebooks site. Not just setting up a facebook page but an actually facebook site within facebook for small business. If you are interested and may I say at not cost to you, let me know.

We can confer privately if you want.
Just go to my page and click on the private chat button.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
iZero Premium
Thank you so much for being helpful. I've read anothers post and all that I gathered on it is product pushing. I understand we all trying to make money.. but I'm at the beginning.. broke.. and have no money lol. When I get some.. I will be more than happy to purchase their products and do whatever with it :D.. But for now.. until I do.. I have to go with strictly the free approach for the time being in which you have provided. Thank you once again webkab!!
Tojuwon Premium
copy and paste that in your browser, it will open your eyes to some facts
Tojuwon Premium
Hi, welcome to wealth affiliate. First time am actually doing that. B4 you get ahead of yourself and start buying anything. Why not follow the 30 days success program. As you do use the chat frequently to ask any question. you will see lots of people who are ready to assist you for free there. Wealth affiliate university is basically for free learning, so freely learn first. make sure you have a patient attitude, You need a mindset so try rading this post,https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/wa_spaces_profile/index/pid/41109/tab/blog/blog_id/13812
Tojuwon Premium
Lol, that aspect is definitely not free, it was just a heads up, cos some members are trying to sell stuffs they themselves got freely. There's a serious possibility that anything you can get for sale is also free online
Tojuwon Premium
Well it really depends on what niche you are looking into, even if you are a pro. But I tried getting a keyword rich niche 3 days ago and I think it took me 30min to 1hr. After you wasted time on it and gotten about 2-3 niches, it becomes a lot faster. We can look for one together on skype if you are interested. Warning, I am still learning too!
iZero Premium
Lol with the exception of paying 47 or 97 a month. xD So it's not TOTALLY free lol. But anyways Thank you for doing a kind service ;D
iZero Premium
That's true. However for those simply looking to buy.. well.. Hopefully they'll buy. But quick question for you, how long did it take you to find your niche and put up a website?
iZero Premium
Lol.. Don't worry I'm in the same boat.. I'm not going to knock that you are new. Just.. right now I have to wait till I get paid so I can actually buy a domain. Because as it stands right now.. I can't do anything except learn and find more niches to do. I been pulled away by family and friends to be every which thing.. so yea.

The only flip side to this is I got someone looking into joining WA.. which is a good thing ;D
PopTart8 Premium
Come view my page and ask me any questions you need O.K?
iZero Premium
I will be sure to do that. Lol I'm going to need all the help I can rally up ;p
Jamie Smith Premium
Welcome to the WA family
iZero Premium
Thank you for welcoming me in :D