Business Mastery

Last Update: March 20, 2012

Prior to joining the WA family in October 2009, a major source of information for me was through Tony Robbins and I still continue to learn from Tony to this day. I am not telling anyone they must attend this event, but I want to share this video for you to enjoy at your leisure. I personally use the techniques mentioned and add it to all the wonderful information and resources within WA.


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Deezdz Premium
I'm a Tony Robbins fan. I have tickets to Oprah's Lifeclass live in Toronto this April and Tony is one of the speakers...really looking forward to seeing him live. Anyone checking out the video link might also want to watch the one further down on the page with Frank Kern...super marketing advice. Thx for the post Jamie!
Jamie Smith Premium
15years ago 4 impressions to a marketing message would get a prospect to take action. In 2012 we are talking 16 impressions these days. Also please keep in mind if a person likes a product/service they will tell 2 people about it and if they don't like their experience they will tell 14 people. OVER DELIVER
jatdebeaune Premium
Thanks for the link Jamie. Tony Robbins is inspiring and motivating to me too. Over deliver is the way to excel in everything.