HAPPY St. Patrick's Day

Last Update: March 17, 2010

HAPPY St. Patrick's Day!!

 Raising my Guinness to my Grandma Betty and Great Aunt Eileen. R.I.P.

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Tans Premium
I know this is late but happy St Patty's to you as well. I celebrated with Guinness as well! Yum!
Peedsbornagain Premium
Happy St Patrick's Day to you and your family ... Cheers :))
sox1n05 Premium
Yeah I'm with you! Too bad though. It's 60 degrees here in Wisconsin and I'm stuck at work. I'd be better suited with a green beer in my hand singing Danny Boy! Oh well, there's always tonight...
jatdebeaune Premium
Happy St. Patrick's Day to you! The pubs here are standing room only. Great to be Irish, although I'm not.
Slugger_mn Premium
Happy St. Particks Day(: