
Last Update: February 18, 2012

I want to start my blog by first giving SERIOUS props to the WA family worldwide. Just the fact that you are here working towards your own path in life really makes me smile. I am confident that many of you have been faced with those silly naysayers throughout your journey as have I.

For whatever reason, naysayers always find a way to show up to the party. Negative vibes and lack of support can come from acquaintances, friends, colleagues, teachers, counselors, even family members. Many of them mean well, but can't wrap their head around the journey a person takes to become financially independent on their own terms by following their passion like we are doing here in the 21st Century.

I am blessed that my family are so supportive. But at the same time, I will never forget sitting down with my high school guidance counselor back in the day. He asked me what my plans were after graduation. I explained that I planned to continue my music and marketing education to one day have a career in the entertainment industry. I was told it was a "pipe dream" to have a career in the entertainment industry. I told that fool I will go farther in life than the belief system he was trying to force in my head.

The best revenge is living well. I have gone above and beyond what I ever expected and thanks to WA, the bar continues to be raised on a daily basis around the world.


I might as well take this time to give a shout out to Theodor Geisel. That young man spent thousands of hours as a kid working on his art just like I did with my music. All he wanted more in life was to be an artist and create children's books. Back in high school he took an art class but was received with the negative vibes from his art teacher in the same fashion as I did from my high school guidance counselor. Theodor was told "it was too cartoonish and playful, son, you'll never become an artist, this is not your gift, this looks like child's play". Theodor refused that belief system and kept on moving forward. After creating his first children's book, he shopped the book to 29 publishers who all turned him down. The naysayers were at it once again, a universal message rang loud and clear after each of those meetings, Theodor was told "it is not marketable". Theodor kept following his passion, and the 30th publisher he had a meeting with took a chance because he believed in Theodor's work. As for that "it is not marketable" nonsense, this publisher suggested to market the books under the name Dr. Seuss. The rest is history, Theodor went on to sell the most children's books in history.

which leads me to one of my all time favorite quotes...

"Be Who You Are
And Say What You Feel

Because Those Who Mind Don't Matter

And Those Who Matter Don't Mind"

-Dr. Seuss



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muskyblood Premium
Great message in this post! Thank you for posting this!
jatdebeaune Premium
That's a wonderful story Jamie, one that I hadn't heard before. I'm a big fan of Dr. Seuss. I never wanted to be anything but a graphic artist of some sort. And because there were so many of us in my family, everyone thought it was expected. Anyways, good or bad, I just didn't have a choice. But I do remember teachers thinking it was much better to go to law school. A person has to do what's in their heart to do. The rest takes care of itself. Thank you for the inspiring read. Props to you for following your heart and sharing your talent..
Labman_1 Premium
When I graduated from College, my wife got me a Dr. Seuss book. " Oh, the Places You'll Go". Entertaining and inspirational at the same time. He really was a master at getting the message across in a pleasant way. If we can all see the world with a child's wonder, we will go far.
Jamie Smith Premium
Cheers Craig, your wife is awesome for hooking you up with that classic book. " Oh, the Places You'll Go" is one of my all time favorite books to read since I was a kid.
Louise M. Premium
So inspiring bro!! THANK YOU! Each night these days before falling asleep I list in my head all the things I'm grateful for. You're part of it :)
Jamie Smith Premium
Love ya sister Louise, it was great to chat last night as always. I can't thank you and brother Jay enough for all your love and good vibes. You both are truly amazing people and I am so blessed to have you in my family!
Jabez Premium
I enjoyed your story. And, I wish you the best.

Jamie Smith Premium
Cheers Jabez, I wish you the best too, thanks for stopping by and enjoying my blog.