Feng Shui Away

Last Update: June 24, 2010

Guys, I did a Mr. Miyagi thing yesterday.

Do you remember  The Karate Kid, when Pat Morita (Mr. Miyagi) wanted to teach Ralph Macchio (Karate kid) how to focus his energy by polishing the car? He wanted the Karate kid to throw himself into a repetitive set of actions, a balanced rhythm, with the practical side benefit of a nicely polished car.  Mr. Miyagi was giving his student practice in an exercise that would benefit him in karate. I don't know anything about karate, but I got it anyway. There was nice symmetry in those movements. It was very graceful too. When I saw the movie, I also did what Mr. Miyagi said, and washed my car the same way. Odd. It balanced me. It really did.

Well I decided I needed that same sort of exercise yesterday. I needed the discipline of a repetitive action, a rhythm that could become second nature to me, like a reflex. Something I could get into very easily without ritual but with grace. And besides which, my house needed cleaning. Clutter is bad feng shui and it's beneficial to get rid of it. Also, like the shiny car, I could use a shiny oven and a shiny refrigerator. All side benefits of the BIG benefit, which was to put my mind in a better position for success. GET RID OF CLUTTER! You don't want your brain to be mildewed like the strawberries you forgot in the back of the refrigerator.

You have to clear your mind like you have to clear your house. The house is symbolic. It was pitch and polish day for me. If you haven't used it in a couple years, then pitch it. No, not your jewelry. But clothes yes. Magazines, yes. Old paperbacks, uhhh well. Things in your pantry, yes. All those glass jars and plastic containers, yes. Old IM programs that are now obsolete. Get rid of them.  You don't need all that gift wrap either. Haha, I collect gift wrap, but giving a bunch to my niece. Shopping bags, get rid of them. Well, Goodwill had a bonanza day from me yesterday.  If you're not using it, someone else can use it. Pass it on.

I know I'm covering different disciplines here all at once. That was my day yesterday.  I'm not finished, but my house looks great. My studio is organized. My mind is not bogged down by lack of organization and clutter. More to go. From experience, I know my work will benefit from clearing out the clutter. It's all about focus.


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phbreez Premium
Yup..good one. I just read this book by John Maxwellm it is Thinking for a change.

He says...clear it all up...stop ... get super organized...no matter how long it takes you....and FOCUS on one thing.
So I cleared out 90% of everything I own....hired a truck and driver and said...load it up and get it out of here.
That was months ago...but I tell what ... it worked....no clutter....no paper work around....closets, basement, garage and storeroom is empty...totally empty and I don't miss anything. I gave away all but 10 shirts....5 pants....four shoes.....like that and believe me...it was the best thing to do. Then I turn off the tv and radio and all that stuff and Focus now. What a relief. My friends and family are starting to see how good it was for me and are doing the same thing. We are determined to be reverse pack rats, super organized, no clutter and focused to get the miscellaneous aspect of our life done and gone. Mentally it is incredible....no more suffer and pain over crap I didn't need and was costing me a ton. Toys we discovered are for kids. I even rent a boat now...we went that far. Can you imagine at the end of the day...to drop off the boat and not think about it or have any expenses till the next time we rent it again and then we can get a bigger and better boat for one day at a time. thanks for you comment and push forward. You made me stop and think....amazin' :)
AndreErasmus Premium
It is so good to get rid of that clutter it clears your mind straightaway. Joan you sound like the type of person that would enjoy Tai Chi or yoga, great for the mind and body alike. Enjoy your clean studio.
Fallulah Premium
Ahhh so good Joan :) I know just what you mean and when all else fails - clearing the clutter is always a winner!
maureenhannan Premium
Good advice. Cluttered house, cluttered spirit. I don't want any moldy strawberries taking up space in my life. One nice thing about moving to a smaller house is that you have to clear out and give stuff away. Isn't it nice when things you give away make someone else's life a little sweeter? Glad you didn't give away your jewelry, though. Hooray for your nice, tidy, streamlined studio. Enjoy the fruits of your labor today, Joan!