About Phbreez
Joined May 2010
Hi .... I am Pierre and live Florida. I am a NEWBIE too !

After being new..May 30th......I have really come to appreciate WA. I took lots of notes and used these notes to create a little Newbie Club web site at

WWW.AFFILIATENEWBIE.ORG. We call it the Affiliate Newbie Club. It's FREE

( I just read the Comments you guys posted here and I thank you Very Much for your nice words of encouragement...makes working together really nice )

I just added a super-easy newbie method on my blog that I used today....you will like it I think. It is easy for a newbie to do.....a local effort you can do.

I actually quit every other learning site/effort I was doing to focus here at WA.

I made a few thousand dollars doing really easy little Hotels For Sale web sites and I put in every step for you to follow and even the real live hotel for sale site that you can use as a guide.

I operated hotels all my life, and it was pure luck that I figured out how to make a few dollars making these type sites.

You can start making about $500 - $600 a week doing just this little idea...with darn near zero competition....and for zero cost too. Nice way to get started.

It does take time and plenty of effort to learn it all...but it does start to clear up in the mind after a few weeks. I learned to start with super-easy methods only.

*** We Newbies started to email back and forth with a few of us exchanging ideas and then started this Newbies Club site with a Mini-Business plan for us to help get started. Find a few friends here. We will start small groups soon.

You might find The Affiliate Newbie Club helpful too. We sure seem to do better when we help each other and figure out how to get started properly.

Do your studying and let it come to you. You will see various methods and all of a sudden you will like and understand one method best and go from there.

There seems to be hundreds of angles to success. Hope it helps you some how.

WWW.AFFILIATENEWBIE.ORG .... take a look if you get a moment.

Don't get started and quit. You will fast discover that there are lots of super-simple methods you can actually do your first day.

Check out this Club site for exact details to use.

It is all there for you if you take the time and the site is free to use. Bookmark it too. We appreciate your visiting our new site.

Remember the site is from Newbie notes and the real meat of the basics and fundamentals are here at WA in the lessons provided by the experts who have succeeded already.

Be sure to set up your WA blog/funnel system on your first day.

Oh, Please add your good ideas (comments) recommendations, edits needed and little easy to do methods new folks can do to get started....Many thanks.
Phbreez's Accomplishments

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babyboomer20 Premium
Phil, Hi there, A very warm Welcome to you. Congratulations on taking another step to "Owning Your Life". Wishing YOU All the Best in your LEARNING to EARN!! Would it be OK if I added you to my Buddy List? I'd like to be your friend... Please feel free to add me. Marty : )
babyboomer20 Premium
Your most welcome, Thanks so much for your reply and accepting my friendship, please feel free to stop by any time. I hope your off to an amazing start in your solo journey! Be Blessed Marty : )
phbreez Premium
Hey thanks very much.....Lets stay in touch. I do appreciate all these nice welcome notes.

I just retired so I have plenty of time.....and will do it like a real job.

I used to be the big boss, but now I have to do it all myself....wow....I was spoiled :) ..... Here we go.....
NEA03 Premium
Yes, you made the right decision! Welcome To WA
phbreez Premium
Oh good.....just retired and ready to do it.

Thanks for your welcome note.....c u around I hope....nice picture..... lets go do it.
FatWallet Premium
Hi Phil, Welcome to WA! all the best!!
phbreez Premium
Hope to see you online here. thanks Phil
phbreez Premium
Hi.......I am Phil and just joined today....May 30 th. after searching for the right place to get on track. I found great reviews and look forward to this.

I am retired and have had a little background building a few small sites that were for hotels for sale.

I really need one great place to focus on learning the right way of doing things and what to avoid, etc.

Since I have plenty of time now, I can devote 4 - 6 hours a day to this project.

