If You Are Confused, Read This

Last Update: July 06, 2010

 Social Media is a powerful tool? Okay, so how do you use it?

I've been hearing how important Twitter is for IM. The short time I spent tweeting, year or so ago, I had a ball, but I couldn't see the sense of it.  

If you're like me, read this piece. Could very well launch you on your Twitter career.

Involves a lot of tweeting to get the message across. Good thing we all like to communicate.




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iFaith Premium
I haven't seen that much click thru's to my site/s with Twitter. Lots of followers doesn't mean - targeted repeat visitors.
Jamie Smith Premium
Cheers Joan, thanks for sharing your blog. I use twitter daily in all my marketing campaigns.
tport144 Premium
Thank you! Excellent info. I'll definitely give it a try!
maureenhannan Premium
Thanks, Joan! I'm always interested in how to leverage Twitter. I know it's powerful, but I'm still new to the whole thing. Looks like a good resource.
xploringsuccess Premium
Thanks. I will check it out. Another resource on using social media for marketing purposes is the book "Me 2.0" by personal branding guru (at least that's what all of his reviewers say) Dan Schawbel. His writing style is at times clunky and painful to read, and it is primarily geared toward "generation y" (I was born in 1970) but there's enough information to justify rescuing it from the garbage can. That's right. For about 3 minutes this brand-new book was condemned to my garbage. I decided to wade through the bad writing and irrelevant fluff to extract what was useful. Buy it used, maybe?