Posts by Jave27 4
My first major goal for this year is to create a checklist of things that need to be done for a new site. Things like Install Wordpress, Install These Plugins, Fill In All The Following Fields, Add Content, Backlink to These 20 Places, etc. All of the stuff is simple and do-able (and more importantly, it can all be outsourced!), and I have haphazardly stumbled my way into making decent money, but it's still a very unorganized process for me. Now that I see what kind of income is possible (I'm av
A lot of people get stuck when they sit down to write an article, myself included. I find it hard sometimes to get words to flow naturally in a manner that makes any logical sense. But, I've got a huge tip for those who are stuck in an article writing rut. Find an existing article on the topic you want to write about. Chances are, there are millions of them. Read one paragraph at a time, and find the key sentence. Write a new paragraph of your own based on that one key sentence. Change the intr
Check out Office Walker - Treadmill Desk Blog. I'm excited to lose some weight on this thing and hopefully prevent future back trouble. I've been sitting for about 15 years now, so it was time to make a change. I'm currently typing this while walking 1.5 mph. Oh yeah, there may be ads and affiliate links on that site, just to warn you. ;-) 
This blog is more designed as a note to myself, but I feel that many others suffer from the same affliction. I have a serious problem with constantly checking my statistics: How many sales did I get? What keywords are people using to land on my sites?  How come I don't have any new emails? How's my AdSense revenue doing? These are all perfectly valid questions, and you should be answering them periodically. But not 30 times per day. Instead, write a new article. Post a new blog. Add some
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