Stop Refreshing Your Stats Page!!!

Last Update: October 18, 2011

This blog is more designed as a note to myself, but I feel that many others suffer from the same affliction. I have a serious problem with constantly checking my statistics:

  • How many sales did I get?
  • What keywords are people using to land on my sites? 
  • How come I don't have any new emails?
  • How's my AdSense revenue doing?
These are all perfectly valid questions, and you should be answering them periodically.

But not 30 times per day.

Instead, write a new article. Post a new blog. Add some backlinks on relevant social media sites, forums, etc. But, the least profitable thing you can do every day is dwell on the immediate results.

I had my first $100 day this week from a single ClickBank product (with upsells)! It felt great! But, in the time I've spent looking at my ClickBank analytics, StatCounter stats, StreetArticles pageviews, etc. in the past month, I could have written another 5 articles. At least.

So, FOCUS, and just start writing. Or backlinking. Or something. You'll get better. Just do it!

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phaeton Premium
Great Post. I should learn from this. Really do not know what I am waiting for.