About Jay Couture
Joined June 2009
I had to re-introduce myself to everyone, I have been a member here for a bit off and on and have slacked a bit...'nuff said! I like the "value added approach" this forum offers and the vast array of knowledge WA offers complements of its members. But a little about me....

I live in Central Florida...Mickey Mouses Armpit (Orlando) to be exact, a recent transplant from the beautiful Rocky Mountains of Colorado. I have been interested in Internet Marketing ever since I saw an ad a year or so back in my primary opportunity, which let me here...and I am glad it did. I am a salesman by trade, huckin what I can when and where I can....but honestly and ethically...if you can believe this!

I hopefully will make this my part time full income hobby so I can do things I like to do like travel to the Orient, Martial Arts, and just sit on my arse whenever I please.

I wish you all the best of luck...oh hell...luck has nothing to do with it...I wish a fire under your arse and a gleam in your eye...get er done, son!

Feel free to buddy me...I am always looking for new people to bounce ideas to and fro! Peace!
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Petre Premium
Thank you for your message Jay ;)

Man .. everybody is from Florida! I have been around WA for 4 days now and already have talked to 3 guys who live there :)!

I have a friend who goes to college at UCF, and I love SEA WORLD by the way (been there, done that, hope to do it again ASAP)
So we'll keep in touch ..
wiesiup Premium
Hi Jay,
I used to live in Orlando as well - UCF area to be exact. However, I couldn't stand the Mickey Mouse cult. I wasn't even tempted by birthday free pass. I wouldn't even go there if they paid me that 100 bucks. Besides I love Universal Studios, Sea World and other theme parks there. They are cool, fun, and a nice place to spend some time and money.

I wish you best of luck with WA and Internet Marketing..., maybe if I make some money, I come and visit Orlando...
Jay Couture Premium
Best of luck to you too...and yes..I share the sentiment about Mickey Rat...I prefer Universal as well. Keep on keeping on! :)
SpringOnEarth Premium
Hi there Jay, I like your style! You seem like a really up-front, no BS kind of guy, which is awesome!! And as you said in your Bio, I actually really do need a 'fire under my arse & gleam in my eye'! How did you know?! :) Best to you, Spring
Jay Couture Premium
Thanks for the Kudos spring..and right back atcha! Cheers to the fire and gleam for all of us!
wildflower40 Premium
Hey Jay!! I live in Central Florida too! I am new here at WA and to IM. I have added you as my buddy! Nice to meet you!
wildflower40 Premium
Thanks Jay for the info! I will checking this out today!
Jay Couture Premium
Hey, that is great..a fellow Central Floridian...nice to meet you, and thanks for buddy-ing me! There are some great groups on Meetup.com that deal with SEO and IM groups (non specific) if you are into the face to face meetings and collaboration. I would highly recommend checking it out if you can! Enjoy!
kamaltaduri Premium
Hi, You seems to be joly person like me. We can get to know about each other. I live in Fl too but in panama city. Good luck buddy.
Jay Couture Premium
I appreciate the support Kamaltaduri, and yes we do seem alike. I wish you the best in your online marketing businesses and if there is any way I can help, let me know. Jay Couture