Shazam!! And other notable quotables.

Last Update: June 18, 2010

"You can tell the character of someone by how they treat someone who can do nothing to them or for them" 

This has to be one of my favorite quotes. I am a "Quotie", I tend to collect quotes and pull them out at odd times, usually fumbling and jumbling them in such a way as to make it more of a comedy routine than an inspirational saying, but then again...I digress.

The reason I like this quote above, is that it epotimizes for me the nature of the people who I tend to like to associate with, and for whom I need to stay away from. This forum is a good example of people coming together to help one another with a similar cause...I believe this is a trend that we will only see amplify as time goes on, a good site to see more on this is Share International

But on to a new subject, I have recently joined the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society's Team In Training. (Team In Training Info) For those of you who are not familiar with this, we run, bike, swim, hike, and compete in triathlons to help those suffering with blood and bone marrow borne cancers and which will help all those with cancer as well. 

You are probably wondering what this has to do with Internet Marketing, and Wealthy Affiliate for that matter.  Well, I am using the skills gleaned in WA to help optimize my donation site and registration site for new enrollees who wish to be part of a great cause. 

It is open to all athletic or non-athletic types and has great training, this I need being not a spry rooster I once was! Feel free to check out the site, give me your feedback, make a donation if you wish or check out a great training program for yourself to have fun and raise money for a good cause. 

To your health and success.

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