Finding What You Need

Last Update: August 06, 2010

I'm glad so many of yall liked my last blog post.  It was inspired by a post off of the forum that talked about moving on from campaigns that weren't producing and I read it at a perfect time.

It helped me to shift my mind and direction into something that would produce.

I hope this made you laugh as well.  I was laughing as I was writing it but I'm pretty silly  and amuse myself easily.

I hope that you all have found something new to move on to by now.  If not, meditate on it.  

Just close your eyes for 5 mins. (don't go to sleep) and picture what you want from the universe.  Focus your energy into the universe sending you a profitable niche if that's what you want.

This works for me EVERY time.  It usually presents itself in a way I wasn't quite expecting but it does always work.  Do it every day and put positive energy into it.  Negative energy will produce negative results.  Positive brings positive.


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Jamie Smith Premium
Nice 1, always keep moving forward
wildflower40 Premium
Jay, I guess I'll try this but I can't promise I won't fall asleep! Lol!
Seriously, I will work on doing this exercise and see what it brings.
Louise M. Premium
You're right!! I'm witnessing the same thing in my life! I focus my energy on what I deeply want and visualize myself having these things or results and it works! You're right, it doesn't always happen exactly as expected but it's here, it's for real. Universe really does re-organizes itself around our positive energy and thoughts. :)
Fallulah Premium
LMAO Didn't see your last blog until I stopped by today - hilarious and makes a lotta good sense. This one's great too and good advice!
jatdebeaune Premium
Thanks Jay. Excellent advice.