Don't Forget to Live

Last Update: August 23, 2010

Personally I have an issue with unplugging sometimes.  I love doing marketing and there is so much cool stuff to do as you go.  I get wrapped up and will work from when I first wake up till well into the night on most days.  I have to make sure I take at least one day off and be sure I'm not missing out on life.

My father was killed when he was only 20 years old and I was just a baby.  No "I'm so sorry"s please.  I was only a baby so I never really knew him.

The point is, I have out lived him by 10 years now.  This helps me to realize how precious life is and to enjoy it while I am here.  We could all go at any moment.  

Life is short and you have to live it.  It can't always be about work and what work you are not getting to.  As long as we keep our eyes on our goals things will happen as they need to.

 Love life and cherish it.  Don't spend all of it on your computer.  I'm talking to you. And myself.



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Fallulah Premium
Good post ... and maybe one I should've read before getting all eaten up over Feedburner [lol].
Jay SWAT Premium
I'm always happy to share. It makes me happy to be able to touch people's lives even if its just a reminder to live a lil.

You have to put in the time and energy to make it to your goals. Just don't have the blinders on and miss what else is going on to.

Wish you all success,
maureenhannan Premium
Hi Jay! This reminder comes at a good time for me. I had just gotten home from dinner and catching-up time with a dear friend. A dinner I almost said I was too busy to make time for. These things are so good for the important. Like you, I lost a parent at a young mother was 28 when she died. Like you, I also hesitate to say much about that because it sounds like I'm inviting condolences. But I'm guessing if you took 10 people who'd lost a parent in childhood and asked them how they feel about arriving at each new birthday, you'd hear a lot of the same things.'s great to still be here.... Life is meant to me lived and celebrated....No guarantees. Losing a parent young means you never quite feel entitled to reach that next birthday. No assumptions or expectations about reaching a ripe old age.

Often I can honestly say that the time I spend at my computer is part of the celebration. And that the learning time required is simply the cost of starting over. I counted that cost when I began, and I accept 8 hours a day (at least) in front of the computer as mandatory for reaching goals. But of course every good thing can become a problem in excess. And it's good to be reminded of that, Jay. Enjoy your day, my friend!
andys43us Premium
Thanks brother. Great advice, I know I have been missing out on a lot of things because of IM. You are right, I should spend more time living my life.
jatdebeaune Premium
Very good advice for all of us to heed. You can very easily spend your entire life in front of a computer, and it's not really all that good for you, and you do miss out on life, family and friends.