About Jaymekl
Joined May 2012
I live in Mexico - an ex-pat from the U.S. The thing that excites me about internet marketing is that it can be done from here or anywhere i choose to move. In Mexico, I am very involved in theatre and music. I have started a small theatre production company, which is in it's infancy, but has done well so far.

My background is in the food and beverage industry (the actors "second" profession)

I have recently studied marketing techniques for promoting a voice-over career and do a lot of marketing for the theatre and the choir I participate in here.

The one thing I do know is that I have a LOT to learn...
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splashduck Premium
Hi Jaymekl, I'm an artist and musician, love writing and recording my own compositions. Love drawing too and do it every day. I'm not in the food industry:)

Hows it going for you at WA? Your theatre activities sound interesting. Look forward to reading from you.

Rob G:)
jaymekl Premium
I am always amazed at how many of us creative types are here at WA. I have been absent from much activity here as I was on a tour with the choir I sing in here in Mexico. I am just determining some of my next moves as I settle back to planning some shows for this fall for my theatre production company. Ducks huh? How fascinating! Welcome and see you in chat or elsewhere!
bigstevec Premium
hi j - got my degree in college in theatre/english - did some summer stock and a touch of california as well - it's funny that everyone in the food industry in Ca is an actor! - i like the mobile aspect of IM - i don't want to be nailed down geographically any more - if i want to pick up and move this biz will move w/me - i've always been sort of a nomad anyway - guess we have something in common
jaymekl Premium
Yup theatre and food....I'm sure there is something Freudian somewhere in there....
Welcome to WA and thanks for the follow!
mama2karsten Premium
Welcome! with IM there is always something new to learn as it seems to evolve so quickly. Good luck and thanks for the follow!
Thank you for the "Follow" Jaymekl. Glad to see you here. Best of Luck to You & Yours!
TJ Books Premium
Welcome to WA,The Place to Learn to Earn. I made 3 videos to give an overview of the process. The details of how to do things are in the 30-Day Training and in the tutorials. Make sure you use the forums to get answers to your questions. In my fifth year here. John
jaymekl Premium
Thanks for the encouragement. I will go watch your videos!