Dream Big...

Last Update: May 14, 2012
I started two different blogs last night when I hit a roadblock putting content in my website.  I erased both, but I find I need to acknowledge what has been going on before I can move forward.  

I live in central Mexico, in a small community on a lake in what til now has been an idyllic setting.  Some of you may have seen news stories about the 18 mutilated bodies found near a "popular tourist spot".  Well those bodies represent the sons and daughters of the beautiful peoples who have been so generous as to allow me to live in their town.  They have been in agony for days waiting to find out where their missing relatives were....and there are as many more as were found, who are still missing.  I now live in a town where there is great sadness and not a little fear.  The drug cartels say that the next group of people abducted and brutally murdered will be women....so for the foreseeable future I will be at home at night...as will most of the town, in a culture where because of the daytime heat...the night is when they are usually out socializing, spending time with their families.  It is a ghost town at night now.     

Last night while being restless and wandering through WA I dropped into the live chat and Kyle was asking members who were there what they'd most like to see on WA....I truly didn't understand most of the responses, being new...but I wanted to say then and will say now....Kyle, I want you to dream BIG...dream of a time when you can offer WA here in Mexico in Spanish to the kids who live in this third world country who need options to take their lives in directions they haven't even dreamed of for themselves yet.  DREAM BIG please.

I am beginning to understand why I am here too.  We all have "stories" and we all have hopes, for a better life, for a way of taking control of our own destinies.  Of being able to live our lives without interference or fear from within or without.  I can see that path here....I hope to be a part of that path for others too - just give me some time to catch up to you.

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Barry Wah Lee Premium
I dug this out as I am interested in your situation and would like to see it resolved Jaymeki...Kat Miller There is also Fleur-de-lis

Fleur-de-lis (pronounced "flur-duh-leez") is for defusing and releasing memories of bloodshed, of constant warfare and slavery to ideas, places, situations and beliefs that result in constant warfare. The three petals of the Fleur-de-lis represent faith, wisdom and chivalry. Fleur-de-lis also represents virtue and spirituality.
7 hours ago · Like · 1
Barry Wah Lee Premium
This is such a small world. I would love to help with this situation that is being reported quite a lot even in New Zealand. I am in a mantra group called switchwords...actually actions can be switchwords as well, we can use these words by writing them on our body, on a house, or even other ways. I have seen things work by using these, and even if you do not do anything with them, I am sure that opeople in the group using them may use them for you and your community...here they are...DIVINE LIGHT-REVERSE-RESTORE-GOLD-LIMIT-NOW please message me with the good news..
jaymekl Premium
thanks for your concern and the switchwords...I will find a place for them
Thank you for such great insight jaymekl, you gave me a great idea.
jaymekl Premium
thanks for the comment...love to hear your idea when you are ready to share it.
Sielke Premium
I did hear about the situation down there. I hope things get better quick. I like how you're thinking and I think they are dreaming BIG which is great for all of us.
jaymekl Premium
thanks for your concern...it was so sudden the change from impersonal cartels fighting cartels to innocent people being killed...it is taking some time to catch up to the emotion of it. I agree that I think they are dreaming big here. It's why I just joined after my 10 preview. Now to work!