Life of a Part-time IMer

Last Update: April 12, 2012

Like a lot of you out there, I only do IM part time.  I have a regular job that I go to from 8-5.  Granted it's not SO bad as I have the freedom to lurk in chat most of the day.  However I can't do IM work know..they pay me to do THEIR work. LOL

Just kind of curious about other part-timers out you divvy up your day, etc.

My typical day goes something like:

6:00  Alarm goes off...slip back to bed

6:05 Oops, better get up, the dog's eyes are yellow

- 7:00 wander the house trying to wake up and get ready for work

7-8:00 cross town commute

8-5:00 J.O.B

5-6:00 cross town commute back home

6-7:00 Eat and play with dog

7-9:00 Write/publish articles/posts

After that I usually watch a little TV or wedge in a short workout either before or after writing..

Weekends are a bit of a crap shoot as I live near my parents and usually end up helping them out with household chores and what-not.


Those of you with families I REALLY applaud as I have no idea how you do it.  I realize I could streamline a little or spend a bit more time writing.


So how do the rest of you split up your family/job/personal time and IM time?



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jatdebeaune Premium
I'm in awe of part timers. Well, I'm sort've a part timer too in that my main occupation is something else, but I spend a lot of time working online. It's difficult to juggle family, friends, work and online work, plus see to your own creature needs, such as adequate sleep and exercise. I think part timers have to be very disciplined people in order to accomplish anything. I'm disciplined in some ways, but easily distracted. Do you have any energy left over after an 8 to 5 job?
the filbert Premium
Hi Jon, I would say that I am a part-timer, but I would not say that I "divvy" up my time ...its more like "grabbing" spare time as I can. Which means becoming more focused more quickly is important, something that I have become better at!

The schedule of a stay at home dad with an 18 month old goes something like this : 6.30 baby wakes... wants to play...7am wife goes to work... 7.30-8.30 feed the little one and self....8.30-9 maybe get a shower if she sits still long enough to get her in her highchair! 9-10 am...playtime in the living area...if she occupies herself with toys and books I get to read my emails and maybe write an article/post/page for one of my sites, 10-11.30am go for a walk to the park or shop for groceries. 11.30 -12.30...return home, more playtime (see above)...12.30 -1pm hopefully little one tired, a bottle and off for afternoon nap. I get to "unwind" while she is asleep by doing laundry, tidying up and having lunch. 2-3pm is the most likely time i get things done, as she usually wakes between 3-3.30pm and then the wife and 13yo stepdaughter get home between 3.30-4pm...then its time to "catch up" on the days happenings, have dinner, clean up etc... i usually catch an hour or 2 then in the evening to work on IM stuff, before putting baby to bed , followed by "quality" time with the wife! by then I'm And yes, weekends and school holidays are a real crapshoot in this household to! to much info for you there??? lol o I forgot the housework...vacuuming, yard etc...but hey, thats for my "spare time"