My First Training Module

Last Update: May 25, 2012
So I just published my first ever training module on keeping your project organized.

If you would, take a look at it and let me know what you think. I'm sure it's a little rough around the edges so any suggestions you might have to help me make it more useful would be great.

I'm more of a 'do'er type person so explaining the steps needed is a little foreign to me... but I'm working on it! :) I'm hoping this is like article writing and it will get easier the more I do, but the first ones are always the hardest.

Thank you and look forward to hearing back from you!


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Deezdz Premium
Just gave it a read and it's great. It's inspired me to create a similar template and organize everything. thank you!
jchilders Premium
Glad to help Dee! Hopefully you will find it at useful as I did when I started organizing better. :)
jatdebeaune Premium
This is excellent Jon. Such a great way to be organized. I confess, I have everything in notebooks which is very organized, but getting too bulky. Using Excel, making spreadsheets is a smart way to go. I'll refer to your training module as a reminder not to miss anything. Thank you.
jchilders Premium
Using notebooks is better than nothing. Glad I could give you an idea of how to improve your system. Putting it in Google Docs (Google Drive) also helps if you might need to access it from mobile locations.
BIS Premium
Hi Jon, I also work with an Excel spreadsheet. I think if people don't implement any sort of tracking record they are mssing a trick. I'm also lucky enough to have a huge whiteboard in my office which I also use. But for anyone who isn't comfortable - piece of paper pinned to the wall will work just as well. I enjoyed reading through your suggestions.
jchilders Premium
Thanks! I have a whiteboard around somewhere too (not on a wall obviously), but I wasn't very good at using it. That's great that you've got a system already in place to stay organized and using post-it notes is a great suggestion too!
Sielke Premium
Jon, actually loved it. I just started implementing a similar solution just a few weeks ago and it has made my life a whole lot better. Nice one.
jchilders Premium
Yeah, completely changed how I work on sites too. Before I was pretty haphazard on writing new posts. With a checklist, I can actually see that I am working toward a goal.