Goodbye Wealthy Affiliate School

Last Update: June 16, 2010

Hola my friends here at WA. I've been here exactly a year in 2 days and I just don't need all of the different tools that hike the price up. I've found another money making online school that is a fraction of the cost. I've been there for a few months and since it's more targeted I have actually started making more income. 

 If you are a member there find me as JessicaLauren of course. lol hit me up bc I don't want to miss any of you. You can hit me up on facebook too.

 Ok much love my friends and ta ta! =D



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Moonstone Premium
No we arent affected by the price hike (thankfully). I have heard a lot of good things about WP Goldmine, but didnt realise it have a 59% refund rate. This doesnt sound good
magistudio Premium Plus
I urge you to stick around Jess as there are some really effective things coming to WA. You are not effected by any price increase and will always remain at the original price you paid ($39) - besdides, with a 59.00% refund rate for WP Goldmine - I would say WA is better and offers more tools etc.
Jess I don't think existing members are included in this price Hike to $97 a month.
R-L-Atch Premium
All the best to you Jess! Take care...