About Jessies Dream
Joined September 2009
Hi Everyone

Started out as a complete newby and non-techie. The members here at WA are 'wonderful' and very giving of their time and knowledge.

My husband helps me with the techie side of things, otherwise I shudder to think how I would get on with IM.

Three months in made my first sale...

Wishing all of you much success,

Jessies Dream's Accomplishments

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funjob Premium
Web magic at your fingertips. Good on ya!
Jessies Dream Premium
Hi Ash
Just a quickie... Great to have you as a buddy. I sent you a PM just now. Hope you have a fab day with WA.
AshRomani Premium
hey Jessey, you keep up the good work, i read your whole profile...very modest and sincere...i really, really wish for you to succeed...you seem like a nice person and i am proud to have you as my first WA "buddy" :-)
dave-min Premium
welcome to WA good luck on your new journey here at WA
Jessies Dream Premium
Hi Min,
Thanks for the note. Wishing you all the best also. I did note in yours sites above a couple of computer sites - are you a big techie? I'm the opposite - hence my blog to show what a technophobe I am - I kid you not - and I can do this, then anyone can. Also noticed you joined in May - how's it going? Have yourself a great day and do bounce back when you have a moment... Jessey
Rodrigo Urbina Premium
Hey Jessey: How are you today? Is that your bear? Well, here inside WA you'll learn a lot, a lot, a lot about IM. You can make it here but is up to you. I see you already start your program, great! stick to the forum as well. Any question let me know, OK?
Welcome to WA!
Rodrigo Urbina Premium
Thanks for your response. Do your homework and don't get lost, OK?
Keep in touch.
Rodrigo Urbina Premium
Hey Jessey, happy for you. I think you are doing great just keep going and follow it. Thanks for your greetings and comments.
Have a great week too.
Rodrigo Urbina Premium
Hey Jessey, you mean "copy" and paste, right? If that's the case just left double click left in the beginning of the sentence and scroll down the whole text, then right click on top of the text, press copy. Go to word, open clean page, right click and press paste. That's all.
Send me your comments.
Jessies Dream Premium
Hi Rodrigo
Just wanted to say thanks for the message you sent through on WA; this is all very new to me... I've no idea if I'm posting the corrrect place or not, but anyone who takes the time to send me a message I want to acknowledge. I note you're also fairly new to WA... I wish you all the very best... I'll keep a look out over the coming months to see how you're doing... Have a great weekend in sunny Florida...
Jessies Dream Premium
Hi Rodrigo
Just a note to say I'm hanging in there. First week down and actually feel I've learned a little - a long long way to go yet I know. I added you as a buddy and hope you won't mind. I'm keeping a blog of my progress. My friend today thought I was nuts doing this, saying it would come back to haunt me but I think it's a way of proving to myself and others just how far I've come (hopefully, down the road ahead...) Anyway, here's to week 2, I'm so happy to be on board and feel really optimistic about what lies ahead... Have yourself a great week and stay in touch.... Jessey
Jessies Dream Premium
Hi Rodgrigo
Just a quickie (and hope you're having a good day...)
I wanted to cut and paste my blog into a word doc on my pc - but I can't seem to access my first couple (ie the older ones) entries that I did at first. Any ideas... Many thanks.... Even though I look a complete plonker on the blog, I want to keep at it to prove to myself how much I achieve!!! Talk soon, and thanks... Jessey
Jessies Dream Premium
Hi Rodrigo
Thanks for the post; I know cut and paste but it seems only my last entry is visible - ie the first 2 or 3 blog posts I put in there I can't see (they seem to have vanished!) Surely they can't be that valuable yet (ha ha)... Any ideas? Sorry it's such a silly question... Jessey