About Jfritts
Joined March 2010
I am 34 years old, I have been tossing around the idea of IM for about a year now and have finally made the decision to jump in head first. My goal is to be good enough at this business by the end of the year or sooner to not have to spend my time working on things i don't want to do just to keep the bills payed. I hope to get to know A lot of the community here at WA as well, it is always nice to meet people with the same interests : )
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Peedsbornagain Premium
Hey Jfritts... hows it goin at WA ... hope you are doin well wish you a lot of joy , happiness and success too
bigvnd Premium
welcome to WA
Abnerfer Premium
Mohamad Premium
Welcome !
Jfritts Premium
that sounds like a wonderful idea : )